The real harm Trump is inflicting on Americans: HRC 34/100

Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton
2 min readSep 2, 2016


31 August, 2016 | Index

Dear Hillary Clinton,

Gerard Mclean here, from Englewood, Ohio, just north of Dayton. There were 100 days from your nomination to election, so I’m writing you 100 letters. This is the thirty-fourth letter, which means there are sixty-six days left in the election. The others can be found in your USPS mailbox or online at

I saw your opponent’s speech about immigration tonight. The amount of racism, fear, hatred and just overall nastiness in his rhetoric and tone paints a truly terrifying vision for the future of America.

As horrifying as his message is, this is not the most dangerous thing he is doing. The most dangerous thing he is doing right now is drawing all the media attention to his naked racism and away from the legal fleecing the medical insurance industry in engaged in. Every minute of airtime he is sucking up is one more minute the health insurance industry can stay out of the spotlight and in our wallets.

There is not an unlimited amount of money we can pay. After I mail this letter, I will log into my account at Anthem BC/BS of Ohio and give them yet one more monthly premium that is three times my mortgage and twice my housing costs that include property taxes and insurance.

We need UniversalCare, SinglePayer, MedicareForAll. We’re running out of time.


Gerard McLean
cc: Sen. Sherrod Brown




Gérard Mclean
100 Letters to Senator Hillary Clinton

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.