11 Amazing Not So Important Things I Take For Granted

Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2016



I am a creature of habit. I literally do the same thing every morning. Wake up at 6 a.m, weekday or weekend it doesn’t matter. Grab my coffee and make my way to the couch. Me-Time. I realized this morning, I take this for granted. It got me wondering what else I might take for granted.

Here are the top 11 “not so important” things I take for granted

1) Set timer on the coffee machine (and of course morning coffee)

I don’t know about you, but I need my java in the morning. Delaying consumption would not be good. Who has the energy in the morning to make coffee anyway? I’m an early riser, but I should clarify, I’m an early riser with coffee in hand.

2) Fresh clean bed sheets (and a made bed with a good pillow)

I’m talking about that initial clean smell that hits your senses as you slip in to a bed with fresh out-of-the-dryer sheets. I put clean sheets on our bed every week. Out of all the chores in our house — a made bed is by far the most important thing on my list. My husband knows one of the things that puts me in a good mood is a made bed.

3) Bluetooth

I connect everything via Bluetooth. My iPad to my speaker for Spotify. My laptop to my iPhone for Hotspot. My iPhone to my car for Podcasts. My headphones to my iPad for Skype. I could keep going. If it doesn’t have Bluetooth, I’m not a happy camper.

4) Clean car (where I didn’t have to do it myself!)

I drive 1 hour to and from work every day. My car can get pretty messy. If I cleaned it myself, it would take me at least 2 hours. Instead, I take it to a drive-thru car wash where they clean the inside and outside in 10 minutes for $17. Worth every penny!

5) Silence

Silence is golden. Need I say more?

4) Music

My husband and I listen to lot of music in our house. We could be cleaning up the dishes from dinner, and a 90’s song will play through the speakers. We can’t help it, can’t hold ourselves back and start dancing old-school style in the kitchen. We still know the words to the song and apparently we still got the moves. Although, our neighbours likely think otherwise.

5) Smooth shaved legs (or other clean shaved areas)

Shaving is such a routine task, I always forget how much I love smooth shaved legs. Note: The longer you let your leg hair grow, the more gratifying it is when you shave. No joke — I will catch myself rub my leg and say to myself — “ooooh, I forgot I shaved my legs, ..nice!”

6) Fresh fruit

Ever go on a 21 day no-sugar diet? Do that for 21 days, then take a bite of a strawberry or orange. You will make a groaning sound in awe. Promise.

7) Gas light in the car

There have been many occasions where I’m driving and look down at my gas tank indicator and assume I have enough to last me. Only to realize, I do not as per that little orange light indicator that goes on. I have to admit, this has saved me quite a few times times!

8) Air popped popcorn with extra butter.

Butter is like bacon to me. It’s one of the keys to unlocking my heart. Combine buttered popcorn with movie night and I’m ‘butter’ in your hands.

9) Hugs from people you love

There’s nothing like a hug from someone you love. You never know when you’ll hug them again. I often hug people as a hello and it can feel rushed. I need to remember to take a few seconds to be present during the hug.

10) Bookmarks

You know, bookmarks. We use them for marking our spot in hard cover books and paperbacks? I still read ‘real’ books and use a bookmark, never liked to bend the corner of the page. It’s the same awesomeness when you bookmark a website and most recently I learned how to bookmark Medium articles!

11) Laughter — the kind that hurts

Doesn’t happen often, but I’ll hear or see something that will make me laugh where I just can’t stop. Tears rolling down my face, stomach is in pain and there’s no stopping. I think about it 20 mins later and burst into laughter. It’s a deep laughter, the best kind of laugh.

I could have listed way more things on my list and I’m sure you thought of your own list. Let’s not take the simple things for granted — even the not so important things.

On the worst days, it’s the little things that can make it a great day.

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Nicole Cayer
100 Naked Words

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