Feeling lost in your life?

100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2016

I know the feeling.

It sucks.

When you look around you, everyone seems to live a perfect life.

Your best friend got married.

Your brother has a baby on the way.

Your sister bought a house with her boyfriend.

And when you look at yourself, you feel like you haven’t achieved anything worth to brag about.

Last year, it happened to me.

Even though I knew that comparing myself to others would not help me to feel any better, I did that mistake.

And I felt bad and sorry for myself.

Why can’t I be happy with what I already have?

I tried to fit in the Corporate world where my creativity was not welcomed. And by doing so, I was limiting myself.

I was putting myself into the position of a victim blaming others for my unhappiness while it was all on me.

Now, looking back to this moment of my life, I understand that it’s all a matter of perspective.

The more you focus on negativity, the more you’ll create problems in your life. And the harder it will be to find any solutions.

If you wanna start your life all over again, what’s stopping you except yourself?

Don’t wait until you’re 90 where all you’ll have left is regrets.

