How to teach a kid multiplication.

Sexy Hermit
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2017


Hi all. Since my totally experiential diet article was so popular (At least by my currently not quite unicorn level. More like ear of corn level still.) why not dabble into some theories on child development today?

It seems there are ample opportunities to teach math. Anytime a number is ever uttered really.

Right now, the home schooled kid I live with, “G,” is playing a Minecraft game. He’s slaughtering players left and right and keeps calling out his kill numbers.

“I just killed 7 people!” he just said. “

“Yay! Now tell me 7 times 9.” I just said.

Sorry to those opposed to violent video games and all that. He’s a good kid so whatever. I’m not a big fan either but he treats our cat nice and that’s more important.

This is the game. I have no idea what any of this is.

We have a 25 times 25 multiplication table next to his computer. For now we just want him to memorize it. He’s fantastic at memorization. At not quite 11 he has much of human history, geography, and the entirety of the geologic periods and eras all down. So, rather than be concerned with how math actually works, we’re playing his strengths of just filling his spongy brain with…

