Success skills for Engineers — Part 3 — A Winning Mindset

Tom Connor
10x Curiosity
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2018

You can achieve what ever you like with the right mindset. This will help the tone of your communication and what you actually would like to communicate.

If you missed it check out Part 1 — Tell Me a Story; and Part 2 — Clarity of Direction

TL:DR — You can achieve what ever you like with the right mindset. This will help the tone of your communication and improve the clarity of the message you are trying to communicate. Focus on being deliberate about moving your work forward and accountable to make it happen — there is always something you can do to influence the outcome. Seek to be 1% better everyday and be curious about the world, volunteer and learn as much as you can — your job is to say yes to everything that could be a learning experience, even if the learning turns out to be that you never want to do it again! Always go beyond the obvious answer and ask yourself “So what?” — is this the answer my stakeholder really is wanting. What second order thinking can I apply to deliver the full solution before it is asked. And finally remember that it is all an experiment — try something, iterate improve and continually make it better — It can always be better.

A Winning Mindset

Iterated and make it better

A key theme to learn about is that of quickly putting your work out into the world, looking to get feedback on your concept and design as soon as possible from stakeholders from which you can begin to iterate and improve your ideas. Accept that you are going to get it wrong and it will only be once you put it out into the world that you will begin to find out how wrong you are. It is easy to change and improve at the early stages. Far harder to address once the bridge is built!

Be Deliberate — Own the Outcome

A key step forward is to realise that you are in control of your work and the direction it takes. What are you doing to take ownership of your 50%?

ILOC — Sentis

Curiosity and continuous learning

Learning to ask better questions will go a long way to making you more effective in your career. Also of great importance, is continually seeking out stimulus of all sorts to be able to generate new ideas with. Louis Pasteur famously quipped that “Luck favours the prepared mind” — what are you doing to prepare yours?

Additional Reading

Continuous learning and stretching yourself



Tom Connor
10x Curiosity

Always curious - curating knowledge to solve problems and create change