Assignment #1

18 in the Bay
2 min readMay 9, 2015


This is your tumblr. Own it. Let it represent you and your classmates over the next three weeks. Post how you’re feeling: What pisses you off? What excites you? What frustrates you? What makes you sad? Share pictures, gifs, or videos that you would share with your friends. Post a quote you live by, or a link to an article or website you just found, or the last song you listened to, or a rap you just recorded. Whatever you post, it just has to be you.

We want to get to know you better so don’t tell us — show us. Give us a window into your life and show us what you care about.

Help us paint an even bigger picture of what it’s like to be 18 in America right now. Join the conversation by responding to this post with your tumblr posts.

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