Changing a Net List…

Janus Avivson
186th Squadron
Published in
5 min readApr 3, 2017

After doing pretty well at Yavin with a net list (You can read my Yavin report here), I took Paratanni to a small local tournament (10 players, I won) and then changed my mind last minute for the Daventry regional and ran Boba Bossk (I went 2–4 :( ).

Beware the nerf bat

You’d have to be living under a rock not to have heard about the recent changes to Manaroo, however I was already getting a bit bored of flying Paratanni. Roo felt like a get out of jail free card, being able to help out where needed with little effort.

I tried out post faq Paratanni in a game, and didn’t enjoy the range restriction at all, however I had been considering a slight change, so with 2 cards different, I took my updated list to Warboar’s second Q1 kit on Saturday the 18th of March.

Januttanni/Parajanni (still trying to pick a name but leaning towards Parajanni)

Contracted Scout (Attanni Mindlink) 26 points

Asajj (Attanni Mindlink, Latts Razzi crew, Gyroscopic Stabiliser) 42 points

Fenn Rau (Attanni Mindlink, Concord Dawn title, Autothrusters) 32 points

This change lets me use the scout as a focus battery or a blocker, much as I used Manaroo. Thanks to the gyros on Asajj I can move my arc, and still double focus, or focus evade. Fenn is kind of squishy without Manaroo’s support, but he would still be squishy thanks to the range restriction #flybetter

Round one James Verdegem, flying a rather scary scum aces list.

Fenn Rau(Fearlessness, Concord Dawn title and Autothrusters)

Old Terroch (Veteran Instincts, Concord Dawn title and Autothrusters)

Talonbane Cobra (Push the limit, Ion Pulse Missile, Vectored Thrusters and Black Market Slicer Tools)

James gave me initiative and set up for the joust, however I declined and moved Asajj through the obstacles while slow rolling with Fenn, forcing him to decide who to take on. His dice were rather cold at first, balancing out my dodgy flying that saw me rock my scout one turn then Asajj the next…

Eventually I managed to start removing his ships, while poor Asajj was taking a beating. Talonbane was his last ship left, and my Fenn dispatched him, only to watch him destroy Asajj at the same time.


Round two was vs Laurence Moore, Dash and 2 U-wings

Dash Render (Push the Limit, Heavy Laser Cannon, Outrider title and Kanan Jarrus)

2 x U-Wings (Collision Detector, Pivot Wing title)

Very interesting deployment from Laurence here

I decided to take Dash out as quickly as possible, having bad memories of playing against him. I sent Asajj up the flank, which ended up taking his 2 U-Wings out of the fight for long enough for me to destroy Dash, though Fenn died soon after. My scout and Asajj made short work of the U-Wings, as one of them had already taken a beating.


Round three, Andy Church, flying mindlink bossk, palob and a scout.

Bossk (Attanni Mindlink, Zuckass, Inspiring Recruit, Dengar and Counter measures)

Palob (Attanni Mindlink and Twin Laser Turret)

Contracted Scout (Attanni Mindlink, Plasma Torpedoes, Guidance chips)

Having Asajj with Latts vs mindlink lists generally goes well, so I was feeling confident, however disaster struck on the third turn as Fenn got blocked, then died to Palob’s TLT and the Scout’s primary! I sent Asajj after Palob and the Scout while my Scout kept the pressure on Bossk and chipped away at his health. Andy eventually flew a one health Palob off the board, however my scout had died by that point, so it was all down to Asajj. She managed to deliver, taking out a wounded scout and rolling an amazing flurry of evades to survive Bossk’s attacks and take him out, though she had been reduced to half health, a bloody close game, especially considering it was his first ever tournament!


Round four, Dimitris Stavropoulos, flying Ketsu Bossk.

Ketsu (Adaptability, Shadow Caster title, K4 Security Droid and Engine Upgrade)

Bossk (Marksmanship, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Dengar, Heavy Laser Cannon and Inertial Dampeners)

This was a rather scary list, Ketsu handing out tractor beam tokens while Bossk can do a lot of damage. He set up to joust Asajj, so I ran her away, while I sent Fenn the long way round to get behind Bossk. Ketsu’s higher pilot skill and engine let me kite her away from Bossk, while my scout and Fenn managed to focus fire on Dimitris’ YV-666. Ketsu died not too long after, though had reduced Asajj to half health.

Operation “run away from scary Bossk”


Round five, Pablo Telford flying Fenn and 2 torpedo scouts.

Fenn Rau(Attanni Mindlink, Concord Dawn title and Autothrusters)

2 x Contracted Scouts (Attanni Mindlink, Plasma Torpedoes, Extra Munitions, R4 Agromechs and Guidance Chips)

Pablo set up the scouts together, and I decided to joust them with Asajj, as I know just what Asajj and Latts can do vs Mindlink Scouts (my prior experience from game seven of Yavin). We ended up forming a carpark near the edge of the board, with me getting the upper hand despite some excellent blocking by Pablo on Fenn. I slowly destroyed his ships while he tried and tried to land damage. He managed to put Asajj to half health, but there was little he could do against my constant stressing of his list.

Evil Asajj kept stressing the enemy fleet


So I managed to go undefeated over five rounds of swiss, as the final results get announced I started feeling confident… and then managed to finish 2nd, as John Kane also went undefeated and had a higher MOV then me :(

I won some stress tokens (which I gave to 9th place as he just missed out on them and I already had several) plus some tractor beam tokens, which I kept.

I really like this version of Paratanni. Without Manaroo, it doesn’t feel quite as overpowered, but flew just like I used to fly Paratanni. Its also the first time I’ve been using gyros, and I’m sold on them.

