I was Aiming for his Head

Janus Avivson
186th Squadron
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2017

Firesprays! A certain Phil GC has been doing an excellent blog about his favourite ship, the Firespray.

Shamelessly stolen from his blog

I’ve had the pleasure of catching up with Phil during recent tournaments. Inspired by these chats, some late night 186th chatting and because my first ever tournament list had two Imperial Firesprays and Soontir Fel (way back during wave 2!), I decided to fly this list, as a break from my modified Paratanni list, found here.

Spray n pray

Firespray Mandolorian Mercenary (Attanni Mindlink, k4 Security Droid and Countermeasures)

Firespray Mandolorian Mercenary (Attanni Mindlink, k4 Security Droid and Countermeasures)

Z-95 Headhunter Kaa’to Leeches (Attanni Mindlink)

This list is all ps5, and will often have a Firespray or 2 with focus and target lock/evade, while Leechos has two focus tokens. I flew this for an evening at Warboar Thursday night X-Wing, and it did well.

So bright and early (11am) on a Saturday morning I got to Dark Sphere, Waterloo) and saw that there were quite a few fellow 186th out of the 24 people who had shown up.

I ended up winning my first 2 games, only to then lose my next 2 :(

Only 1 ship performed an action. Gotta love mindlink and K4

First game vs Redline, Quick draw and the Inquisitor. Everything went great at first, however I then lost a Firespray and a half. 100–63 vs Andy Dobson.

This was one of Andy’s Warboar tournament games.

The second game was vs Yorr with Palpatine, Whisper and Omega Leader. Countermeasures was very useful here as it helped blunt Whisper’s follow up attack, and also helped to threaten Omega Leader. a very close 73–63 win here Ben Lee.

Poor flying saw Leechos out of the fight for too long

Third game was vs Quickdraw, Kylo Ren in the Upsilon Shuttle and Omega Leader. I really screwed up the approach here, and totally forgot about the title on the Upsilon, stressing out my mindlink list really hurt and I didn’t end up recovering from my sloppy opening. 16–100 vs Jesper Hills.

Forth game was vs Rey and Tanky regen Nora. I managed to kill Rey pretty early on, but just couldnt deal with Nora, (Push the Limit, Alliance Overhaul title, R2-D2, C-3PO, Vectored Thrusters) its a horrible build that has Fat Han levels of damage mitigation. 59–100 vs Thomas Nelstrop.

So, I learnt that Firesprays are great fun, however I do feel they are just over costed for what they bring. I doubt I will bring this list to another tournament, however its great for casual games.

the hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne

The more recently released Shadow Caster is just way better, and I really enjoy flying it alongside Fenn, so will be sticking to Parajanni for tournaments I’d like to win.

Which was quite a coincidence as there was another tournament 2 days later at Ibuywargames in Woking…

