The Future of Vocal Removers and Isolators in Music Production and Live Performance

Tiff Young
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2023
man in black shirt in the dj both
Photo from Pexels

The music industry is incredibly fast-paced, and staying ahead of the competition means that you have to know about the latest technological advancements and trends. Just like music has evolved over the years, the technology surrounding it has evolved too. While vocal removers and isolators have been popularly used in music production and live performance, the use of AI and machine learning has made it progress even further.

If you don’t know what vocal removers and isolators are, they are tools used to remove or isolate vocals or instruments from a recording or a mix. A vocal remover analyzes the frequencies and phase relationships in music, which enable it to remove vocals from music efficiently. A vocal isolator, on the other hand, isolates vocals from instruments in a recording. It is done by recognizing which frequencies and waveforms are the vocals.

Rapid technological changes have revolutionized how vocal removers and isolators are being used in music production and live performances and will continue to increase efficiency in the future. The future of these tools, music production, and live performances will be shaped by advancements in technology and changes within the music industry, and are predicted to include:

Increased Use of AI Algorithms

While AI algorithms and machine learning have already been incorporated in vocal remover and isolator software, this trend is expected to continue. Historically, AI and machine learning have utilized large datasets of audio, consisting of recordings, music productions and songs to better predict which frequencies and other sonic characteristics correspond to vocals and instrumentals. It enables the software to accurately separate and remove vocals from instrumentals, even where the music is complex and hard to distinguish.

It is expected that AI algorithms and machine learning will take other factors into account when isolating and removing vocals, including the overall spectral balance of the audio, reverb, echo and other effects that may have been applied to the vocals or instruments. As AI continues to improve and become widely accessible, it will become easier for people to use this software to edit tracks without needing the original multi-tracks. It’s highly useful in cases where older audio is being used, or in cases where the original multitrack isn’t accessible.

Delivering Clear and Consistent Reproduction

The advancement in technology and software that is being used for removing and isolating vocals and instruments will also help in producing better-quality music. Software is continuously being developed that can aid in separating individual elements of a track, even down to the drums and bass, which will be highly useful for editors and producers. It can allow for precise editing and remixing, removing constraints that producers and editors have had to face so far with isolating specific frequencies.

Especially for live performances, where there are a lot of problems getting a clear reproduction, the right vocal remover and isolator software can work wonders. It can help remove echoes and unwanted frequencies that can impact the overall audio quality and improve the overall balance of the audio. By isolating one frequency or vocal from the rest, clarity can also be improved, as editors and producers will have control over individual frequencies and how they should be balanced with the rest of the audio.

Better Editing and Remixing

It can be quite frustrating trying to edit individual elements of a mix, without having full control of them. In the future, it is expected that producers and editors will have better control over each element of a mix, as software becomes advanced enough to isolate frequencies automatically. It is also expected that AI and machine learning will advance to enable a large degree of automation, which will allow editors and producers to set rules ahead of time and let the software do the rest of the work.

When it comes to live performances, where it can become challenging to isolate the frequencies of the vocals and instruments from the crowd, automation can come in very handy. As editors and producers can work with individual elements of audio, they can deliver consistent sound playback across various playback systems, which can help in delivering a better auditory experience for all environments and settings.

Quicker Results

Music production and live performances happen every day, and in a dynamic society like ours, it becomes essential to deliver as soon as possible. Voice removing and isolation software not only increases efficiency but reduces mistakes as well. With automation, editing and remixing can become easier, even when it’s being done for live performances. While the technology may be in its early stages still, there’s no saying how far it will go in the future.

Enhancing the listener’s experience is the aim of any producer, sound engineer or editor. With the right voice remover and isolating software, you can ensure that any audio is excellent in quality, with the right vocals and instruments, in record time.

Optimized Interface on Multiple Platforms

An aspect that’s already been seen today with voice removers and isolators is that they have multi-app versatility which enables them to be used anytime, anywhere. This is handy for many musicians who perform live, like DJs and want to be able to record their sets and isolate certain components from their music. With many people preferring ‘on the go’ applications for their music editing, many companies will further optimize their interfaces for multiple platforms, ensuring everyone can get access to their software from any device.

man in headphones
Photo from Pexels

As AI continues to revolutionize the music industry, it still remains to be seen how big of an impact it will have when it comes to editing and producing music. The themes mentioned above are the predicted outcomes with the current advancements in technology. Understanding how you can utilize voice isolators and removers in music production and live performances will enable you to make the most out of them.



Tiff Young
Writer for

Tiffany Rauschenberger is a freelance writer. She writes about the latest developments in teaching, public policy, standardized testing, and education.