Stoplight Method: Organize Your Writing and Increase Productivity

Categorize your ideas for effective writing seasons

Sonja DeCurtis
Two Minute Madness
2 min readMay 15, 2020


Source: Author

As a new writer on the internet who’s trying to become more productive with my writing, I’ve searched the web for a routine that can structure my method of madness. I’ve found the Stoplight.

I tend to be a visual person, and having something that stands out easily allows me to quickly scan through ideas and choose what topic I’m posting next. It makes my life so much easier. I’ve adapted and modified this method from another medium article.

With the stoplight method, you’re categorizing your ideas in the following boxes.

Green — It needs to be outlined or drafted. No research needed. Basically, all you have to do is sit down and write it.

Yellow — It may require a source, or you might want to look up a few quotes to enhance your post. A little research is needed.

Red — needs further research and fact checks. These are articles that require more time and effort.

How I use it? I write down story ideas on printed forms. The forms include title, subtitle, description, and then I fill in the other areas. After I have the ideas written down on my sheets, I use colored foil stars (from the dollar store), placed next to each post idea so I can easily see which posts are ready.

As someone who suffers from chronic migraines, has two children, a husband, and a house to take care of, this makes it so much easier for me. Based on my free time, or how I’m feeling, I can easily look in my folder and choose one.

This allows me to still be productive on days I don’t have as much time. I’m not stuck fumbling around on a project that requires more than I’m able to give in that moment and is just gonna cause me to procrastinate in the long run.



Sonja DeCurtis
Two Minute Madness

35-year-old military spouse, mother of 2, healthcare professional, and aspiring writer.