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7 (niche) podcasts that’ll change your life

Elena Clarke
23 Wise Words
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2017


I listen to a lot of podcasts. I love them and (if you don’t already) I think you would too. Although I will admit my listening topics are fairly niche.

They mainly fall into Three categories — social media marketing, personal development and entrepreneurship

So, if you’re into any of these subjects and because I live to give, I thought I’d list the top seven podcasts which I have thoroughly enjoyed lately:

  1. Blogging genius Darren Rowse bestowed us with his infinite knowledge on the Foundr Mag podcast. If you’re a blogger this is a must-listen
  2. Another one for all you startup bloggers out there — if you’re not on Medium you should be. Here’s a Medium 101 masterclass that’ll explain why
  3. The How I built this podcast is close to my heart because it started me off on my podcast adventure. Here is the founding story for Airbnb
  4. Another one from Foundr with Marketing guru (he does actually deserve this title) Gary Vee
  5. So many pearls of wisdom, such little time. If you only listen to one of my recommendations let it be this. Jim Kwik will change the way your brain works
  6. I was unbelievably impressed with the level of conversation and insight from the panel on the Tim Ferriss Show podcast. Takeaways galore on becoming the best version of you.
  7. This one is hot off the press from The Art of Paid Traffic podcast. Even if you’re a dab hand at Facebook ads, this will shed new light on ways to do it better

If these don’t inspire, inform and educate you, then to be honest I don’t know what will. You’re very welcome.



Elena Clarke
23 Wise Words

Copywriter with a BIG passion for all things brand strategy and personal development. www.23wisewords.com