Meet The Team: Engineers (Part 1)

Does a typical workday as a software engineer only revolves around coffee and coding?

2359 Media
10 min readMay 14, 2021


Let’s hear what our team of engineers has to say!

Illustrations by Baqir Ismail, Amanda, and DY LEE

Hello from the Engineering Team!

We are the core of 2359, supporting the consulting team in developing websites, mobile apps, chatbots, and all the digital solutions that our clients would require. 2359 has an incredible culture of respect, flexibility, and agility. The engineering team constantly aims to set the bar high in the quality of projects we deliver and cultivate an environment where we can thrive and grow personally and professionally together.

There will be 2 parts to this series:
Part 1: An introduction by our VP of Engineering, and our Front-end engineers
Part 2: Full-stack and Back-end Engineers

To kickstart this post, let’s first hear it from our VP of Engineering, Umair!

Umair Vatao, VP of Engineering

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

We place great emphasis on flexibility, autonomy and there are plenty of opportunities for growth at work — we provide the necessary resources and support our employees need to upskill as well as to hone their existing skill sets. For me, I got the opportunity to work on different tech stacks and as a leader, there is a multitude of other skills necessary to adopt including soft skills like clear communication and conflict resolution.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

Well, I have been with 2359 for almost 10 years and there were many projects that I found interesting for different reasons but if I had to pick one, I would say it was a hardware project where we had to build an application to run the prototype of the very first pocketable astronomy camera. It was challenging yet rewarding as the completion of this prototype would determine if the startup could get an investment but in all good news, they achieved their funding goal within a few hours of launch and we helped hire their very own tech team and handed over the project successfully.

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

2359 is where learning never stops. I joined the company in October 2011 as an Android Engineer and within the year I was promoted to Android Platform Lead where I started to manage the Android Team. I witnessed the company grow from 20 employees working in a shop-house to having offices in 3 different countries. This expansion came with many unique learning experiences like the setting up of our first android team in Vietnam, QA team in Indonesia, as well as taking up the role as a QA manager for a period of time. Through the years, I had opportunities to work with several different tech stacks and led different projects. Now, I am humbled to be leading an awesome engineering team that we have today.

✨Your vision in 2021 as VP of Engineering✨

Engineers are the foundation of the company. Clients come to us because we have a quick turnaround time in responding to their requests, and we have an incredible culture of respect, flexibility, and agility. My vision for the engineering team is to preserve these strengths while we continue to optimize and automate our processes to increase productivity and efficiency. I want to grow the team individually by providing them with a dynamic yet tailored career path, and encouraging them to be opened to new ideas, and constantly challenging the status quo. We believe that by hiring right, each engineer value-adds to the team and we are able to challenge ourselves to produce better quality projects moving forward.

Hi, i’m Caspian!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

A key culture that I enjoy at 2359 is that it gives us plenty of opportunities to grow — it all depends on whether the individual is willing to take it and work on it. I also love the fact that 2359 encourages us to explore new territories and be unafraid to try new things out of the norm.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

I am in the midst of developing a mobile application that acts as a platform for engagement where artists are able to share their creations and art pieces and facilitate donations as well. Through this project, I am exposed to new technologies like Firebase and I enjoy having the autonomy to choose the technology and framework best suited for this project. It helps that it is an art-related project too! (I like art haha)

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

Though my time here is short, it has only been 6 months, I feel that I have expanded my knowledge on UI/UX and had the opportunity to be exposed to a range of technologies like Firebase that I have not used before.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Front-end Engineer✨

My personal goal is to sharpen my skill set as an engineer, take on projects of a larger scale, and be a positive contributor at 2359.

Hey, it’s Celia!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

It has to be the people. It is always easy to approach anyone if you need help and they are always willing to teach! The learning environment is what motivates me to push my boundaries and be better as an engineer.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

As part of the product team, there are always opportunities to explore new technologies. Recently we took a look at Interactive Canvas on Google Assistant which is relatively new and unexplored. Although it can be infuriating whenever you face a roadblock, it is still exciting to be able to play around with it and know that you’re pretty much at the forefront of technology, finding new ways to solve problems.

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

Being trusted to helm small projects and product features such that it grows my technical skills and communication abilities immensely.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Front-end Engineer✨

To create more meaningful products that make an impact on a larger, societal level.

Hey, this is Chen Xin!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

2359’s culture — we believe in flexibility and agility when it comes to working with clients as we strive to think outside the box and deliver quality projects according to clients’ needs. In a very collaborative environment, we have the autonomy to manage different projects, upskill ourselves through courses and workshops using a given productivity fund, and organize sharing sessions to exchange the knowledge we have learned with our peers.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

One of Singtel’s projects which I found the most memorable as we had an amazing and capable team to work with. I always feel that the people we surround ourselves with attribute to what makes a project so enjoyable!

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

I’d say that I have strengthened my technical skills as an engineer through the many challenging and creative projects I have taken part in.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Senior Front-end Engineer✨

To gain more exposure to different tech stacks and projects that are meaningful and bring about social impact.

Hi, I’m Ferdly!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

We were able to take up projects that bring about positive societal impacts, it makes me feel very accomplished to be a part of something so meaningful. The flexible working hours as well, which has increased my productivity and quality of work while maintaining a work-life balance.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

The TraceTogether application! Very thankful to have the opportunity to support Singapore’s efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus.

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

Some achievements include career and personal growth. Through the years, I have had plenty of opportunities to hone my existing skill sets and learn new ones.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Senior Front-end Engineer✨

To be a better leader and improve my people management skills to work more efficiently and effectively with my team.

Hey, Lam Tuan here!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

Having a work-life balance without compromising career opportunities. With a flexible working culture, everyone works hard to deliver quality work and we are not afraid to step out of our comfort zones to learn new skills and knowledge.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

I would say Govtech projects that are of a larger scale and bring about social impact.

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

I have achieved the most in terms of knowledge. Working on different projects allowed me to get access to different technologies and tech stacks, not only does it help to hone my skills but I get to learn new ones too.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Senior Front-end Engineer✨

To take on more projects and responsibilities, and strengthen my leadership skills.

Hi, Thang Kieu here!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

The friendly working environment and being able to experiment with new technologies.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

A project of GIC where cutting-edge front-end technology was applied. They have a friendly and nice working environment that made communication easy too.

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

I gained a sense of achievement when I got to experiment with new front-end technologies such as React Hooks, GraphQL, and Grid CSS that I was not exposed to before.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Front-end Engineer✨

I would like to expand my knowledge of user interface (UI) and explore how having a good product design can improve users’ experience (UX).

Hi, you can call me Tri!

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

Everyone at 2359 is very friendly, we take a flexible approach when managing clients’ requirements and we have many meaningful project opportunities to take on.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

I have been exposed to projects of different scopes in different fields ranging from developing a website with chatbot integration in the maritime industry to mobile applications and CMS dashboards for real estate companies as well as OTT companies. Each project gave me different experiences actually!

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

I have found tremendous improvement in my technical skills through the increased exposure to projects in different fields ranging from banking, healthcare, hospitality and tourism, and many more.

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Front-end Engineer✨

I have always believed that in order to maximize personal development, it is important for me to do my utmost best in all the projects I am assigned to. In 2021, I would want to push myself further to be better not only in terms of technical skills but soft skills such as communication and management as well.

Hello! It’s Shirley 😊

What do you enjoy about working at 2359?

2359 provides a lot of learning resources and a flexible environment. Each employee is entitled to a productivity fund that we can use for workshops and courses, basically any resources that aid in our productivity. The people here are very friendly, willing to exchange knowledge, and are not hesitant to lend a hand.

What is the most interesting project you’ve worked on so far and why?

I have been working on a video streaming platform. As I frequently use video streaming services myself, this project felt relatable and made me understand how things work behind the screen.

What is something that you have achieved personally and professionally while working at 2359?

Recently, I have managed to pick up React Native — something I have been wanting to learn. Another achievement is getting involved in more projects bring opportunities for me to meet more people where we can learn from one another!

✨Your goals in 2021 as a Front-end Engineer✨

I will always strive to pick up more skills and polish my current ones. My personal goals in 2021 include exploring different programming platforms such as iOS/Android out of my usual niche of web as well as gaining an AWS certification as a solutions architect.

We offer the perfect blend of flexibility, creativity, and expertise to turn your ideas into innovative products.

Stay tuned for Part 2 as we introduce our full-stack and back-end engineers!

Meanwhile, take a look at our projects at to find out more of what we have done thus far!

Interested to join the Engineering Team? If you have what it takes to be a part of our innovative, fun-loving, and experienced team, please send your resumes to!

Read Part 2: Back-end and Full-Stack Engineers here:



2359 Media

Award-winning full-service consultancy that operates at the intersection of Design, Technology, Innovation, and Business