$3,000 2key Competition: Make Your Token and Tell the World.

H. S.
Published in
5 min readAug 14, 2019

2key Protocol is a scalability solution designed to let THE WORLD participate in the Global Referral Network that 2key Network has developed. We want our community to be a part of this journey, and we want to make this journey not only fulfilling, but also enjoyable and rewarding

Today marks the start of the “Make Your Token” competition!

Help us teach the world about how to use 2key and compete for a $3,000 prize in 2KEY.

The base goal of the competition is simple: create your own token on 2key’s test-net while documenting your steps to make a tutorial on how you managed to make your token.

Get started here: https://test.2key.io and submit your work here: https://forms.gle/XgLAT9wGn8nuZ1Qg9

You can create the tutorial in any format. If written content is your main weapon, then create an article or blog; if you excel in front of the camera, then make a walk-through video; if you’re a talented graphic designer, then you can make a GIF.

There’s no limit on what form of content you can create to explain how you used 2key to make your own token. If you happen to have a live audience, then you can even host a live walk-through + possibly even an AMA where you explain the details to everyone.

- Be Creative: Don’t just make a list of steps; get the readers or viewers of your tutorial engaged and involved.

- Be Bold: Play around with all the quirks and features so you can really grasp the depth of the test-net functionalities.

- Be Curious: Don’t just use 2key Network, discover it. There are rewards for those who find bugs or discuss service providers that can be integrated into 2key Network. You may even make suggestions as a closing note.

The Bare Minimum

At the very least, each community member who wants to participate should outline each step involved in making the token, and then have his/her link forwarded by 5 different users — you have to share it to 5 people who then share it onwards. Additionally, each community member should explain the referral game theory that 2key contractors can take advantage of.

As a base explanation, game theory is an assessment of strategic interactions. 2key contractors can make referral campaigns that reward link sharers in various ways. Discuss the various options accessible to them; go over how each referral reward distribution choice will make referrers act differently.

In the end, all participants will be given scores. We appreciate everyone’s effort but want to give higher rewards to those who went out of their way. Thus, those who score in the top 5 get very large rewards.

Points are based on the following:

500–2,500 points will be awarded for the quality of your article, video, GIF, livestream, etc. Quality will be assessed on the following factors:

- How detailed is the tutorial? Try to cover as much as possible.

- How user-friendly is the tutorial? Be sure to explain with details; many users may not be familiar with various blockchain terminologies.

- How interesting is the tutorial? If you take this competition as a fun task, you’re a lot more likely to make the tutorial more interesting.

Beyond the points given for quality, everyone can earn bonus points.

Product Explanation Factors:

- 200 points for the most complete review.

- 250 points for the best explanation of the 2key Network’s referral game theory. Just give your view on how each referral reward option will impact people’s decision on who to share links to, whether some options will encourage more people, and whether a particular option will encourage more high-quality referrers.

- 250 points for the best explanation of 2key Network’s reputation system, which ensures link spam leads to penalties.

- 1,000 points for discussing a feature that no one else discussed; e.g. integration of an integrator like Civic (KYC service provider).

Exposure Factors:

- 500 points for the longest link sharing tree; the more people you share to, the longer your link tree becomes.

- 500 points for the longest link sharing chain; the more people that forward your link, the bigger than the chain becomes. This involves others passing your link to others rather than you passing it to many people yourself. Of course, passing your link to many people grows the odds of finding people who share it onwards to their social circle.

- 1,000 points for most successful token sale. You’re making your own token so others can participate in your token sale by sending you Ropsten ETH, which is Test-Net ETH that can be acquired here: https://faucet.ropsten.be/. Be sure to change MetaMask from Main-Net Ethereum to Ropsten Test-Net; this ETH is not real.

- 200 points for 500+ Telegram views. Sharing your content will help you accumulate bonus points by giving your link more exposure. Specifically, content that is shared on telegram channels and manages to get 500 views will get 200 points.

Creative Factors:

- 500 points for the best designed token sale page.

- 500 points for the best content from each specific language. If you’re fluent in a language other than English, then use your competitive advantage.

The total prize is $3,000 in 2KEY tokens. The tokens will be credited to the account you used to participate in this competition.

There will be 25 winners, but the reward distribution is very heavy on the top-side as we want to encourage you to make the best tutorial! The few people with the highest points will take most of the 2KEY.

Prize Distribution

To get higher points, you need to make a high-quality piece and claim a lot of bonus points. The person with the highest points will get $500; second place will receive $416.67; third place will receive $347.2.

Fourth Place: $289.3

Fifth Place: $241.1

Sixth Place: $200.9

Seventh Place: $167.4

Eighth Place: $139.5

Ninth Place: $116.3

Tenth Place: $96.9

The prizes will keep decreasing along the line. For some insight, rank fifteen will receive $38.9, rank 20 will receive $15.6, and rank 25 will receive $6.3.

Submit your work here: https://forms.gle/XgLAT9wGn8nuZ1Qg9

This is the sixth article in 2key’s 1-Month of Content.

Article 1: 2key in 150- and 300-Word Descriptions

Article 2: 2KEY Token Economy Explained

Article 3: Why we Patented a Decentralized Technology

Article 4: 2key x Bancor: What a Real Partnership Looks Like!

Article 5: 2key FAQ!

We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (https://test.2key.io/); you can be the pioneering drive in the first feasible solution in the scramble to decentralize the web.

