How Reputation Mining supercharges community-sourced business growth

H. S.
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

2key Network’s reputation system is designed to incentivize meaningful shares of Smart Links. While the reputation mining’s AI-powered algorithm penalizes Smart Link abuse, including spam distribution of links, it also rewards high-quality link sharing.

A Smart Link binds smart contracts into normal web links. This enables the creator of the Smart Link to gain multi-step tracking of the Smart Link’s shares and subsequently reward those who shared the link whenever a conversion happens. Thus, Smart Links have the potential to enable growth campaigns that can perpetually fund themselves.

Users who share Smart Links to targeted audiences that are likely to convert earn a high reputation. A higher reputation allows users to participate in reputation mining, which is a dose of extra 2KEY awarded to users who are growing the 2key ecosystem by making Smart Links a high-conversion business growth resource.

The Purpose of Reputation Mining

2key Network’s Smart Links empower the supporters, customers, fans, donors, investors, followers, etc. of businesses and organizations to be the source of the operation’s growth. Smart Links are cornered around the recognition of the community’s value and Reputation Mining plays an important role in this.

Contractors who utilize 2key hope that their community, social network, professional network, and potentially even the wider Smart Link community partake in high-quality shares of the Smart Links associated with the contractor.

Contractors set meaningful conversion payments to incentivize their community to participate in Smart Link sharing. This cements the devotion of supporters while sourcing growth from a qualified alternative to ad placements offered by tech giants. To top-up the contractor’s offer, 2key Network has built the reputation system to encourage and reward those that make a meaningful effort at distributing Smart Links. With each conversion’s reward payment, sourced from the contractor’s reward pool, 2key’s Reputation Mining token pool will give the referrer an added bonus in 2KEY tokens. As the reward acts as a percentage bonus, it scales with the value users bring to contractors as-well-as 2key’s Smart Link usage.

20% of 2KEY are available for reputation mining. Up to 2% of these will be available for mining each year; the amount mined may be less than this figure as the net mining in a year will depend on the value of successful conversions driven by high-reputation users.

Back Every 10 Years

The Reputation Mining reward pool is designed to replenish every 10 years.

The tokens taken as a fee by the Network tariff are placed into a decade-long deep freeze. Every 10 years, these tokens are released to replenish the Reputation Mining tokens. Thus, the system is designed to self-fulfill: as users bring successful conversions to the ecosystem, the Network tariff accumulates tokens. Meanwhile, the high-quality referrers claim their bonus tokens. Every ten years, these same users’ Smart Link shares draw in enough business growth that the Network tariff is able to collect tokens that can sufficiently replenish the Reputation Mining pool for another decade, and then the cycle continues.

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