The Choice We Face Is Clickbait Titles or Extinction

Which do you choose?

Captain Obvious
Thought Thinkers


Portrait of a man looking up
Credit: Myca

Title is QUEEN. (Well, technically, the title was queen till a few weeks ago, now the title is king again.)

I’m not as good a writer as Umair Haque, so I won’t be able to keep you here for eleven minutes, but I made you click.

That was the first step.

Now let’s bring value to the table.

If you have difficulty coming up with catchy titles, go to Umair’s profile and get inspired. You can go there any day! He will not disappoint.

The Choice You Face Is Reading This or Extinction

Here are four examples to convince you that Umair’s profile is the best source of killer titles on the internet.

Literally KILLER.

And feel free to use the titles given as examples — I’m generous like that!

