My Summer, My Dreams, and My Love Pt.1

Let’s find out what happened in my summer

Thought Thinkers
4 min readSep 10, 2023


Since I haven’t disclosed moments of my personal life for a long time, I decided to confide you some of the most spicy events of my summer.

We’ll start with the most unsexy ones and slowly unravel the tangle of my summer memories. To begin with, this summer I worked in Chania, Crete. It was an unprecedented experience that taught me a lot. I worked for 2 full months in a souvlaki restaurant in the most central part of the tourist attraction of the city.

I got a taste of what it means to work

The restaurant is called KALLISTON, and I worked in the service department as a waiter. Fortunately for me, I am somewhat good-looking (eyes are my strong point, height on the other hand isn’t). I’m also good at weaving words properly; I am neither ashamed nor bragging, which made me excellent at my job. However, in August none of these matters as the crowd is countless that sometimes it is ready to devour even you! So on those days, you don’t even have time to catch your breath. All I did was pour drinks, serve, set up, and clear the tables. At such a fast pace that sometimes my hands were full of tomatoes and sauce.

I socialized a lot, met and talked even formally with people from every corner of the globe, and we managed to promote the gem of my land, the Greek gyros, to every race and color. However, this particular work was completely mechanical and repetitive, which, after a certain point, made me bored. I am a person who is fascinated by the journey of continuous learning and new experiences. Every day for me is a new opportunity to discover the world a little better.

So at the end of August, I stopped working. For the first time, I realized that work means commitment. I was also faced with the realization that to survive in such a place, you have to build friendships. Fortunately, apart from the boss who was aloof, the rest of the company loved drinking, staying up late, and having deeper conversations somewhere. You know, the ones that only come out at the curtain of the August starry sky with a Cretan lyre playing melodically.

I worked every day, and I don’t have a picture to post. However, I don’t think you will miss the tzatziki and the meat. Anyway, the spiciest moments took place on my days off.

Parents, holidays, sunshine, and good food

In the middle of July, as every year, my parents came for holidays. When summer begins, and the sunset spreads like a carpet in front of the sea, I realize that I miss them. My mother’s hysterical voice, my father’s meek look, and my sister’s hearty laugh.

They arrived in the big boat and, arming themselves with weapons, they immediately started cleaning my house. Mops, brooms, and bleaches were quickly spread over the floor and all this warfare only stopped when the last inch of the floor shone like the sun. Then we went to a little tavern that dominated under the plane trees and opened our hearts. We ate, drank and joyfully and emotionally recounted our experiences during our time apart. The rest of the days passed at the same pace. Lots of swimming in the sea, a bit of tan, homemade food, and the classic warmth of a Greek mother. If that’s not happiness, then what is?

This is me from Kalypso.

Only one day was grumpy and moody. It was Saturday, and I had just gotten off work. So the crew and I got together and decided to go to a nearby bar to have a beer, get the adrenaline flowing, and go home nice and quiet. Important rule, here in Crete everything we drink must be drunk with single malt. Τhat’s what happened with the beers, but at one point we lost count. To make a long story short, I got drunk and went home like a wet cat. And the worst part was I had to explain to my parents…

To be continued …

Tell me, how was your summer?

Hi! My name is Konstantinos, and I am studying Production Engineering and Management at the Technical University of Crete. If you liked the content of this piece, support us by subscribing for free here, and you will be the first to read our work!



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