“Letting go” help me do more and live more.

Day 17

Minh DN
2 min readOct 18, 2017

Day by day, my to-do list is lasting ever. I stuck in a mess. I can’t keep control my mind focus on what I do. Switching so much.

Inspired by this post from zenhabits, I’ve started learning how to letting go.

Photo by Scott Webb in Unsplash.com

Stop and Start

I stop trying to control all my life and plan. I focus on today and this week.

I stop trying to do everything. I choose 1–3 things important and forget all.

I stop talking with everyone. I choose 3–5 people important to me and forget all (not exactly true).

I stop eating everything. I force myself to have breakfast and lunch, dinner is not obligated and delete snacks, coke, pepsi.

I stop thinking too much about my position in club or team. I just want to do real work and make value.

And trying to force myself become the people I don’t want to be.

After a week, I feel free and do more.

I think that I organized my work and study at university. I’ve learned how to limit, set boundaries for everything, set time-box for every task.

Focusing on one thing is easy with “letting go” the rest. Letting go what I don’t want or can’t do now, help me focus more what matter at present. Multi-tasking will kill your brain and your productivity.

I feel like I can do more, have more free time in life, and keep my interest in writing, reading or researching something each night by letting go. I forget my reading book hobby when I’m on working. I forget my work and study on university when I write on my flow.

By letting go everything, I focus on one important thing to me at the right time.

How I do it.

Every morning, I always set 3 outcomes for today based on 3 outcome on this week. The magic question I used:

“What I really need to do, not want to do for the best outcome of this week, this month and this year?”

This is a very great question to me because I always want to do, but there are no matter. “Need” and “Want” is different. If you want something, you need to figure out exactly what you need to do, not what you want to do.

Thanks for reading my story!

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Follow the journey:

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7

Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10–11 / Day 12 /Day 13–14–15

Day 16

