You don’t want to do something.
The reasons may be manifold. They might be interesting, insightful. You could dig them up with 5 whys.
Let’s put them aside.
We’ve adapted to the spins of the Earth and called them days. And every day we wake up and in the air hangs a question:What will I do today?
Ever got stuck doing something too long because it was comfortable?
I have.
Because I did not ask a simple question:What was it I was trying to accomplish?
Hard work used to mean plowing a field or chopping wood for 8 hours, but now it’s taking on a different meaning with creative endeavors.
Hard work can be staring at a bunch of post-its for an hour, trying to see the connections.
Every day, we all have an opportunity to change the world for the better. But do we?
There are the simple things we can do, go on social media, check email, play a game on the phone. And then there are the things that matter, the…
The thing you’re working on, does it work?
Why? Why not?
Whatever the outcome. Look at it from an evolutionary perspective:what works in the current conditions survives.
From LEGO to web apps, I like to build things. But how do I create something useful to others?
That’s a big question, so I’ll take on only a part of it.
When Elon Musk started SpaceX, he estimated the chance of it’s success to be about 40%. And he proceeded. Why? Because if it worked out, it would workout really really big, and if it didn’t at least he would have tried.
Businesses don’t exist to make money, they exist to keep us busy. Yet many people think money is the main thing. It’s never the money, it’s the lifestyle, it’s the freedom, it’s the toys like MacBooks and Lambos. The problem with toys is that once you have them…
We’re great at becoming used to things.
Smartphones? A decade since they came out and how naturally we use them now. The new things stay new only moments before fading away into the background.