Why are games so effective and addictive? Why isn’t work that much fun?
There might be lots of reasons but lets take a look at 2 particular types of components central to games.
The remedy isn’t hiding in social media feeds.
It’s really simple: stop.
Stop the inbound flood of information. Let the feeds go by you, let the emails sit, let the chat continue on its own.
An atom is mainly composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
When we read a word, we think it has an objective meaning. That’s what dictionaries are for. But that’s not the whole picture.
Words give us only the barest inkling of meaning. They illustrate an experience of understanding, of insight, of vision. But they do not suffice.
To trully understand what is meant by a sentence, we have to have an experience that is akin to the…
The conscious mind forgets most of yesterday, but the unconscious doesn’t. How could you use it to be more creative?
Every article you read, every conversation you have, every video you watch, they remain in the mind longer than you might…
The internet is full of advice for achieving success. But even though the advice can be good, it may feel like cheating to us. We might say: easy for you to say! Why?
We read hundreds or thousands of words every day. But what determines if they resonate with us?
We are all composing a symphony of our lives. Thoughts in our heads manifest as an inner voice that uses the code of language to activate specific neural networks.
In the digital world, it’s easy to forget one important thing that can help us get…
There’s a well known model for learning created by David Kolb that goes like this:
The book as a medium has served us well, but now information wants to break free from pages and run wild in new and exciting formats! And we should let it.
We are really primitive in the way we handle information at this point in time. We have notes…