(22) The Garden of Silent Figures

Nicole Willson
50-Word Horror Stories
1 min readJun 5, 2017



(A horror story in 50 words.)

He’d thought the Garden of Silent Figures was mere urban legend. And yet, one drunken night, he stumbled into the place.

He shivered in the moonlight. My god. Their eyes. How could statues look that frightened?

He tried running; his legs wouldn’t move. They turned gray and cold.

Stone cold.

(Hi, everyone. I committed to doing The Writing Cooperative’s 52-Week Writing Challenge, and my choice is a 50-word horror story every week. This is going to be … challenging, even if I give myself a little leeway on the exact word count. Please click the heart if you enjoyed it. And if you liked this, I’ve written longer stuff too.)

