(24) Molly Dark

Nicole Willson
50-Word Horror Stories
1 min readJun 19, 2017

(A horror story in 50 words.)

Hannah’s just turned three when she starts crying inconsolably at night. “Molly dark,” she sobs.

“She’s only having a nightmare,” Father says.

One night, Mother sees a girl’s face staring in Hannah’s bedroom window with hate-filled eyes.

Hannah’s not in her crib. Or anywhere else.

Molly Dark.

Mother collapses.

(Hi, everyone. I committed to doing The Writing Cooperative’s 52-Week Writing Challenge, and my choice is a 50-word horror story every week. This is going to be … challenging, even if I give myself a little leeway on the exact word count. Please click the heart if you enjoyed it. And if you liked this, I’ve written longer stuff too.)

