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This is the publication of 52 Limited, a digital resource company connecting creative + technology talent with leading brands, marketing and engineering departments, start-ups, design firms, advertising and interactive agencies in Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco.
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Forty Under 40 (x 2!)

This week’s announcement that Thomas Bivens, our managing director, is a Portland Business Journal 2017 “Forty Under 40″ winner means he’s joining the ranks of 52 Limited founder Brooks Gilley, a past recipient of the honor. That’s 52=40/40×2 for you mathematically-minded folks.

RECAP: Be A Bad Ass Presenter

by Alicia Nagel

AIGA Portland’s Career Tools is a series of events aimed to help designers refine and improve their professional practice. It’s 8am Friday morning, and I’m seated with about 80 other attendees in the cozy basement space of 52 Limited…