Go to 60 Months to Ironman
60 Months to Ironman
Oh, shit. Making my biggest, most secret, most insane goal public. I used to weigh 368 pounds. I'm going to enter an Ironman race when I'm as old as my mother was when she died.
Note from the editor

Oh, shit. Making my biggest, most secret, most insane goal public. I used to weigh 368 pounds. I'm going to enter an Ironman race when I'm as old as my mother was when she died.

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Shaunta Grimes
Learn. Write. Repeat. Visit me at ninjawriters.org. Reach me at shauntagrimes@gmail.com. (My posts may contain affiliate links!)
Go to the profile of Shaunta Grimes
Shaunta Grimes
Learn. Write. Repeat. Visit me at ninjawriters.org. Reach me at shauntagrimes@gmail.com. (My posts may contain affiliate links!)
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Zach J. Payne
(He/They) Poet. Thespian. YA Novelist.
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Shannon Ashley
It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com
Go to the profile of Envy Writer
Envy Writer
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” — Louis L’Amour