Weekend in a Haunted Hospital

#60M2IM Day 14/100

Shaunta Grimes
60 Months to Ironman


I’m in Virginia City for the Ninja Writers retreat.

I wish you were here.

Yes you.

I wish that I was hearing your ideas and laughing with you and drinking a rum and Diet Coke with you in this wonderful old haunted hospital of an art center.

Today’s walk was up and down three flights of stairs, carrying stuff to the room across from the old psychiatric room on the fourth floor. The haunted psychiatric room.

My room is way down on the ground floor, where the haunting is usually a nurse whistling or the sound of a cowboy’s stirrups.

Hanging out with the Ninja Writers who were able to make it to the retreat has been so amazing. And there’s two more days! Heaven.

I really hope you come next time. There should definitely be a next time. I wasn’t sure, until we got here. But yeah, for sure a next time.

I pulled a Tarot card tonight and got the Ace of Cups. It’s basically the ‘you will fall in love card.’ The Creative Tarot says that it is an indicator that I should take my inspiration and run with it.

Day: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

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Shaunta Grimes
60 Months to Ironman

Learn. Write. Repeat. Visit me at ninjawriters.org. Reach me at shauntagrimes@gmail.com. (My posts may contain affiliate links!)