26th November, 2017 — Chronicle 12

Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2017

Reading, workout, work, everything was better this week(as compared to last week), hope to continue “getting better”. Here are the 7 bullets of this week

  1. Future of work : Work where people align with your values- Raise your hand if you have ever written down what your core values are(If you did you are in the top 1 percentile, for the record I have not) — The ones which are no ready to compromise on. Most hiring today is based on satisfying the skill criteria and not checking what the call the ‘cultural fit’. Every recruiter says they hire for cultural fit but it is such a hard thing to get right- Why- How can you and candidate and the company decide if they ‘fit’ if the company never does the effort of listing its values ?. Till date, I have not found a single company or recruiter who has a written doc saying what culture to they stand for. There are many examples of the companies in West doing this successfully and mind you these companies are the ones who do phenomenally well. Some examples of culture decks are as follows

2. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK- 1] Playground for CSS grid- If you are like me, you don’t remember CSS syntax and repeatedly look up CSS grid rules. I am planning to use the following tool developed by Mozilla to getter better with CSS-

3. Wonderful bits of wisdom from Naval- No words necessary to explain below -

4. Delhivery -Using Datascience to deliver better- The following article to get the account of how Delhivery’s (An e-commerce logistics startup in India) used to Data Science to understand the: Un-structured Indian addresses -

5. [Video of the week] Interview of Phil Knight(Nike founder) by Dave Rubenstein -

6. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK -2] A better much better grep- Grep is one off the first tools a young dev learns and keeps using without realizing there are better tools available now. One of the very popular avatars of better than grep is rigrep, give it a try below

7. My contrarian belief- In the book Zero to One , Peter Thiel says this is one question he asks whenever he interviews someone — What is your contrarian belief — The belief on which most people disagree with you. Here is my answer (Abridged version)- World is getting more efficient with time, subjectivity creates in-efficiency , One of the most subjective discussions today is different interpretations of Religion. Religion is a very very powerful tool, most often being used for manipulate people for selfish interests, I believe there will be a time maybe in the next 75 years when religion entirely LOOSE ITS MEANING. BOLD PREDICTION, BUT I STRONGLY BELIVE THIS WILL COME TRUE.



Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY

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