29th October, 2017 — Chronicle 8

Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY
Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2017

Busy week, met 2 interesting people running consultancy/services business for FMCG companies, hope to collaborate with them. Here are the 7 bullets of this week:

  1. Consumer products for India- I read this great piece about the Indian consumer internet. Read it here:

2. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK] Frontend developer handbook 2017- The following gitbook is the best intro to Frontend Dev I have come across :

For anyone starting to get into Frontend Dev the above book is a must go through — I will help grasp the core concepts of the whole Frontend ecosystem

3. Internet telephony’s Eureka moment in India- I sold(Gave up is right word here as we were unable to differentiate from our competitors) my cloud telephony business in 2013, that time we had a lot of ideas about how we can make the user experience better if Internet telephony was legal in India, fast forward 2017 — It seems regulators are finally going to make this happen. It’s going to be tough as telecom industry will lobbying strongly against this, but it seems this time there luck has run out and sanity will prevail. Read more about it here :

4. [MARKETING BULLET OF THE WEEK]- Product features no longer the differentiator-

The title of the above article was a good enough clickbait for me to start reading it, the best part of the article was this:

Product differentiation, by itself, has become indefensible because today’s competitors can copy your better, faster, cheaper features virtually instantly. Now, the only thing they can’t replicate is the trust that customers feel for you and your team.

5. Courage Vs Genius- We often question others when trying to take an offbeat approach to solve a problem with words- How do you think you know any better, you are not qualified to do this. We forget courage >> genius, genius can be acquired during the journey but courage is the mandatory starting point. Whenever starting something bold and ambitious start immediately as soon as you have enough courage- genius can follow or maybe hired/acquired.

6. Get inspired from YCDB- I found this list of all YC companies (more than 700 now), so many great ideas, a lot of these have not been implemented in India- for the right reasons mostly, but still a great list to get your mind stimulated :

7. [WTF BULLET OF THE WEEK]- Twitter has become the defacto modern-day battleground for ideology debates.



Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY

Figuring out my seg-way into Web3 — Reach out for Web3 Dev and Product roles