5th November, 2017 — Chronicle 9

Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2017

Here are the 7 bullets of this week -

  1. Ideas are bulletproof- It is 5th of November today, how could I not quote- V for Vendetta, Ideas are truly bullet-proof, the limits are always self-imposed by us. As you read this think of an idea/improvement you have been putting off for a while and create a plan to make it happen.

2. Alexa beginner dev Gotcha- This morning I spent 2 hours debugging my first Alexa skill, The Alexa skill was enabled in my My Alexa android app but still Echo did not respond to the starter command. The reason turned out to be that I had built the Alexa skill for English(U.S) accent and not English(India)accent so my starter commands were not recognized. All Indian Alexa skill developers, If you are reading this do not forget to set the language to English(India) when you configure your skill.

3. [MARKETING BULLET OF THE WEEK] Most impressive self-branding I have seen- Checkout the resume of my friend junior (and now friend) Prateek. I first met Prateek when he interned at a company where I was a tech lead, his resume is a masterclass about how to stand out from the crowd

4. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK 1]- This is a concise guide to REST API design, which explains the best practices for most important API aspects like versioning, Security, Defining resources and relations b/w them respectively in a lucid manner.

5. [DEV BULLET OF THE WEEK 2]- Whats new in Google Chrome- The following article summarizes all highlights of the Chrome developer summit 2017, also the article is aptly titled :)

6. [UX bullet of the week] Micro-interactions - The following link exhibits an extremely well-thought calendar micro-interaction used by Airbnb to set the stay price across dates

7. Jobs in the next decade- Last decade created some job roles which have never existed before- Uber/Ola driver, Social media marketer, Drone pilots(not well known in India), Cloud computing and Big data expert, Youtube/Internet media content creators. What will the jobs of the next decade look like?



Puneet Kaura
7 Bullet SUNDAY

Figuring out my seg-way into Web3 — Reach out for Web3 Dev and Product roles