88mph Ecosystem & Community Grant — Round 1 ✨

88mph will start utilizing the governance treasury for ecosystem, governance and community grants. Those three types of grants have the common goal of encouraging and developing the 88mph ecosystem and empowering the community.

McFly 🛹| 88mph
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2021


Ecosystem Grants

Ecosystem grants aim at improving and developing 88mph, and more generally the DeFi ecosystem. They are for individuals or teams looking to develop tools, projects that could benefit from grants.

The following criteria are considered

  • How it relates to 88mph protocol and the upcoming 88mph governance.
  • How it may benefit and impact the 88mph protocol and the 88mph community.
  • The status and progress of the team’s MVP or previous projects (draft vs mainnet grade).
  • The team and how likely they are to deliver.
  • Project’s longevity and/or business viability, feasibility, competitiveness, etc.
  • How the funds will be used and why they are needed.

These grants are quite flexible in how they are awarded with demonstrating benefit to the 88mph system being most important. Existing and completed projects are also eligible.

Areas of research and interest

We would like to suggest areas of research and interest for the 88mph ecosystem. It’s by no means an exhaustive list. All applications related to the 88mph ecosystem are welcome, as long as your project contributes to the 88mph ecosystem or helps in some way.

  • New protocol adapters (Eg. curve).
  • Porting to other chains and Ethereum L2 (HECO, BSC, Elrond, etc).
  • Protocols wishing to integrate with parts of the 88mph protocol.
  • External protocol strategies.
  • Translation.
  • Dune queries
  • [Your idea, project, etc]

Apply for a grant here: https://forms.gle/K4t7DNaVrkGp8KK46

We will get back to you within 14 days of receiving your application to either request more information, or give you a decision on your grant application.

A council of team and SIGs members will be formed to assign those grants which may involve milestone based repeat payments depending on the scope of the project.

Projects will have the opportunity to present their project on the Contributors channel of 88mph Discord if they wish.

Grants will range between $100 and $5,000 to be paid in MPH.

Users or applications with questions may join this Telegram: https://t.me/join88mph_grants or the Grants channel on 88mph Discord.

Contact @McFly or @ZeframL for dev questions on Telegram/Discord or mcfly@88mph.app for specific questions.

Community Grants

Community grants aim at encouraging and developing the 88mph community and 88mph itself. Those grants will be received by users, content creators and projects supporting 88mph.

Those users may have helped out users, contributed in a meaningful way to the community, created content, guides, etc.

Grants range from $100 to $2,000 to be paid in MPH.

A list of recipients will be circulated publicly before they are awarded. If you would like to suggest a recipient, please message @McFly on Telegram/Discord.

Governance Grants

Governance grants will reward users who create successful (non parameter) proposals (88MPHIPs). Those users will be rewarded by $500 in MPH after the proposal is implemented.

To be eligible:

  • 88MPHIP must be implemented
  • 88MPHIP must meet standard requirements (governance topic, feasibility, viability)
  • 88MPHIP must not be a parameter vote
  • Signal votes are excluded
  • Must not be a 88mph team member


The council to review those grants will be composed of the follow people:

Two 88mph team members: @McFly, @ZeframL

🛠SIG-dev members for ecosystem grants: to be announced

🐸SIG-mkt members for community grants: to be announced

Apply to be a SIG member here: https://forms.gle/vHKzpubX5om23ahS8


An initial funding of $10k per month will be allocated for those grants from the governance treasury for a 6 months trial period. The funding will be allocated to the respective SIG’s multisig and managed by their council.

Ready to start building?

Check out our documentation and join the #grants and #developer channel on our Discord.

We’re excited to see what you come up with!

This grant program is directly inspired by the Curve and Aave program. Thanks for showing us the way.

