How I cracked WalmartLabs interview?

Tutort Academy
3 min readApr 27, 2023

Technology and innovation are huge priorities for Walmart Labs as an organization. We are changing to make both ourselves and our products successful both now and in the foreseeable future. As a result, this is reflected in both the interviewing process and the people you find working at Walmart (very technical).

The majority of jobs at Walmart Labs are for engineers or ICs (Individual Contributors). You should anticipate two to five rounds of technical interviews, depending on the seniority of the position. These interviews will cover the following topics: Basics of Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Problem-Solving (again, based on your experience and the position being hired for). The goal is to assess the applicant’s knowledge of the principles of programming and capacity for problem-solving.

Coding: The majority of teams utilize Java, however, there are Depending on the role, team, and product, the programming language may change. This would entail giving an issue a programmatic solution; it is expected that you will consider many use cases for the problem at hand. Some companies evaluate candidates’ programming skills using online tools, while others just ask them to write it down on paper.

Senior candidates for design and architecture positions are required to exhibit a clear thought process that will guarantee the supplied solution is solid and will stand the test of time. Candidates are judged on their ability to come up with novel solutions while taking into account the larger context in which the solution will be used, trade-offs between ideal design and practical concerns, constraints, etc.

Similar assessments would happen for Data Analytics positions, but in Leadership jobs — Walmart Labs expects its people managers to be technically proficient and hands-on when required. Interviews will serve as an evaluation

understanding of the architecture and design of software, with expertise in some areas.

Positivity, skill, experience, and situational awareness

previous encounters with individuals and teams

During that time, I participated in 1 coding round and 3 interviews. Just before the HR round, I was informed that I had been defeated. In my opinion, it wasn’t a bad grade. Before conducting this interview, I had experience with interviews from several product-based companies.

I had to answer three of the five questions in the coding round. Python or Java were the options. Rotating a matrix was the question that was the simplest without a second variable. Once I remember them, I’ll edit the remaining problem statements.

Then the interview round began. The majority of all interviews will take place on White Board, and you will be given the problem statement and implementation details along with instructions for each action that needs to be explained.

Initial Interview:

My present domain expertise, project role, and responsibilities served as the catalyst. then switched to graphs. recognizing loops in graphs. finding the shortest route. graph application and whether I’ve used them in previous situations.

Second interview round:

The binary trees were the topic of the second interview session. How to determine whether a tree is balanced, how to balance a tree, how How to implement a tree from scratch, and how to balance a tree. AWL tree questions were also posed to me, but my theoretical understanding was insufficient.

Third Interview Round:

From what I’ve heard, this round’s primary focus is Java Multi-threading. Although this round was on Garbage Collection in both serial and parallel, I was ready for it. I did not plan for the garbage collection, thus I did not pass this round.



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