How to get promoted as a software developer

Tutort Academy
6 min readDec 28, 2023

Everyone wants to progress in their career, and for software developers, getting promoted to an SDE Manager role is often a significant milestone. It’s a sign of appreciation for your hard work, increased responsibility, and a higher salary range.

But how exactly do you go about getting promoted?

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of getting promoted as an SDE Manager, including the necessary skills, the promotion process, and what factors can make you deserving of the promotion. So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets to achieving career advancement in the tech industry.

How Promotions Work

Before we delve into the specifics of getting promoted as an SDE Manager, let’s understand how the promotion process typically works. Promotions are not guaranteed and usually depend on several factors, including your performance, skills, experience, and the availability of higher-level positions within your organization.

There are generally two paths to a promotion as an SDE Manager. The first path involves being promoted to a new position and then taking on the associated responsibilities. This typically occurs when there is a significant shift in responsibilities, such as transitioning from a developer to a manager or a product owner to a director of product. The second path involves taking on additional responsibilities before being officially promoted. This path is more common early in your career when you’re moving from a junior developer to a lead developer, for example.

How to Get an SDE Manager Promotion?

Now that we understand the promotion process, let’s dive into the key steps you can take to increase your chances of getting promoted as an SDE Manager. These steps include self-assessment, skill development, effective communication with your manager, and proactive career management.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Before you can position yourself for a promotion, it’s essential to assess your current skills and capabilities. Take a look at your peers and evaluate whether you stand out among them. Do your skills align more with mid-level developers rather than junior developers? Identifying your strengths and areas for improvement is crucial in preparing for a promotion.

Step 2: Signal Your Interest

Once you’ve assessed your skills, it’s time to signal your interest in a promotion to your manager. If you have regular one-on-one meetings, this is an excellent opportunity to bring up the topic. However, if you don’t have regular meetings, it’s important to request a dedicated meeting to discuss your career progress and potential promotion.

During the meeting, be prepared with examples of significant projects you’ve delivered and any additional responsibilities you’ve taken on. This will demonstrate your readiness for a promotion and show your manager that you’re serious about advancing your career.

Step 3: Understand the Responsibilities

To position yourself for a promotion, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the responsibilities associated with the SDE Manager role. Research the role and speak to others who are currently in that position to gain insights into what is expected. This will help you tailor your skills and experiences to align with the role’s requirements.

Step 4: Take Ownership of Your Career Development

Getting a promotion is not solely dependent on your manager. Take ownership of your career development by proactively seeking opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge. Look for relevant training programs, attend industry conferences, and take on challenging projects that demonstrate your potential as an SDE Manager.

Step 5: Develop Leadership Skills

As an SDE Manager, leadership skills are crucial to your success. Focus on developing the following leadership qualities:

  • Visionary Thinking: Be able to think strategically and outline a clear vision and direction for projects.
  • Decision Making: Make tough, timely, and logical decisions under uncertainty or pressure.
  • Influencing Skills: Positively influence teams, motivate when morale is low, and address issues through open discussion.
  • Coaching Skills: Provide regular feedback, mentorship, and performance management to help individuals and teams perform optimally.
  • Conflict Resolution: Address conflicts respectfully and help teams arrive at mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Ownership Mindset: Lead by example, take responsibility for mistakes, and share credit for successes to build trust and inspire ownership in teams.
  • Transparency: Keep teams aligned by providing updates on roadblocks, issues, and progress.
  • Building Trust: Act with integrity, value feedback, and respect individuals to cultivate high-trust relationships.
  • Managing Change: Adaptability and effective change management skills help implement transitions smoothly.
  • Creating Accountability: Set clear expectations and follow up regularly to ensure quality deliverables through team accountability.
  • Learning Mindset: Be a curious, lifelong learner who imparts knowledge and inspires growth-oriented cultures in teams.

Developing these leadership skills will not only make you more effective as an SDE Manager but also demonstrate to your manager that you’re prepared for the role.

Step 6: Communicate Your Progress

Regularly communicate your progress to your manager. Provide updates on the projects you’ve taken on, the skills you’ve developed, and any other relevant achievements. This will keep your manager informed and engaged in your career development journey.

Step 7: Seek Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Feedback is essential for growth and improvement. Actively seek feedback from your manager, peers, and team members to identify areas for improvement. Take this feedback constructively and work on enhancing your skills and addressing any weaknesses. Continuous improvement is key to positioning yourself for a promotion.

Step 8: Be Patient and Persistent

Remember that getting a promotion takes time. Be patient and persistent in your pursuit of a promotion. If you don’t receive a promotion immediately, don’t get discouraged. Instead, use the opportunity to learn and grow, and continue to demonstrate your value to the organization.

Step 9: Follow Up

After your initial meeting with your manager, make sure to follow up on the discussion. If you agree upon a specific timeline or action plan, check in at the designated time to discuss your progress. This shows your commitment and ensures that the topic of your promotion doesn’t get forgotten.

Step 10: Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends

As a software developer, it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices. Continuously learning and expanding your knowledge will not only make you a more valuable asset to your organization but also increase your chances of getting promoted.

SDE Manager Career Path — Salary and Promotion

The career path of an SDE Manager offers plenty of opportunities for growth, increased responsibilities, and higher salaries over the years. As software engineer gains experience and skills, they can progress from junior roles to senior and leadership positions.

  • Junior Software Engineer: Entry-level software engineers typically start as Junior Software Engineers with 0–5 years of experience. They work under the guidance of a team lead and are responsible for developing code based on requirements. The average salary for a junior engineer ranges from ₹26–38 LPA depending on the company.
  • Senior Software Engineer: After gaining 4–6 years of experience, engineers can become Senior Software Engineers. In this role, they are expected to independently solve complex problems, be proficient in software development processes, and potentially lead teams of junior engineers. Senior engineers earn an average salary of ₹50–79 LPA.
  • Principal Software Engineer: Principal Software Engineers have 6–10 years of experience managing technical projects at scale. They possess expertise in system design and people management skills to lead teams. The average pay for a principal engineer is ₹70–100 LPA.
  • Engineer Manager: After 10+ years, engineers can choose to stay in technical roles like distinguished engineers or transition into management. Engineer managers lead technical teams and ensure project delivery. Vice presidents oversee multiple managers. With dedication and skills growth, software engineers have opportunities to rise from entry-level to management roles over a 10–20-year career with increasing salaries.

Salary ranges may vary depending on location, company size, and industry.


Getting promoted as an SDE Manager is an exciting and rewarding milestone in your career. By following the steps outlined in this article, such as self-assessment, skill development, effective communication, and proactive career management, you can increase your chances of securing a promotion. Remember to continuously improve your skills, seek feedback, demonstrate leadership qualities, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. With dedication and persistence, you can achieve your goal of becoming an SDE Manager.

If you’re looking to embark on a lucrative career in software development or want to upskill in the field, consider starting your learning journey with Tutort Academy’s Full Stack Courses.

Start your journey today and unlock new opportunities in the world of software development.



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