5 Enigmatic Kami from the Kojiki records you wouldn’t want meet in real life — Vol 3

5 min readAug 14, 2023


A #midjourney’s impression of the Kami in mortal form. #KojikiLostArc — Kami series vol.3 — #Tsukuyomi no mikoto: The night kami

In the previous article, we enhanced our understanding of Sarutahiko, exploring his potential physical appearance and delving into the depths of his inner characteristics.
(Click here to catch up on previous vol)

Now, in this week’s installment, we shift our focus to #Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, the brother of Amaterasu and Susanoo, and the ruler of the night and moon.

A quick recap of what this article is about first.

Imagine if you could travel back in time to the Kamiyo era, specifically during the Kuni Yuzuri and Tenson Kourin events timeline, and come face-to-face with the major gods of Japanese mythology. How do you think they would look physically, and what would be their likely inner characteristics?

Why the Kuni Yuzuri and Tension Kourin events timeline? These are the 2 timelines where major changes had happened between the Takama ga Hara (Heavenly Plains) and Ashihara no Naka tsu Kuni (Central Land of Reed Plains, or Japan as we know now.) Read my other article about the Cosmology of the ancient Japan if you want to learn more.

In this #KojikiLostArc (delving into the possible missing arcs from the Kojiki records) article series, i will bring you to embark on a fascinating journey to reconstruct the physical appearances and inner characteristics of the major kami from these eras. Additionally, we will explore their enigmatic intentions towards closely related kami, which might not have been fully documented in historical records.

Who is #Tsukuyomi no Mikoto?

#Tsukuyomi no Mikoto stands as one of the trio of noble gods born of Izanagi’s purification after he return from the Yomi realm. This trio includes Amaterasu, ruling the sun, and Susanoo, the master of sea and storm. Tsukuyomi’s realm is the moon, and he, along with Susanoo, aids Amaterasu in maintaining cosmic harmony.

Unlike the turbulent Susanoo, Tsukuyomi embodies a serene and reliable nature. His role alongside Amaterasu signifies his ability to contribute to the world’s order. In fact, he even became Amaterasu’s brother-husband, demonstrating his closeness to her. While his flaw lies in his tendency to perceive himself above others, this is perhaps a trait befitting a noble god.

However, a pivotal incident altered Tsukuyomi’s fate when he was sent as a peace envoy to the central lands, he crossed paths with Ukemochi, a Kunitsukami responsible for harvest.

To entertain her prestige guest, Ukemochi began to produce food from all her body parts, to an extent that she was magically serving food straight from her mouth and anus. An act intended to honor him led to a fatal misunderstanding, as Tsukuyomi interpreted her actions as insolence. Tragically, he took her life, upsetting the balance between Kunitsukami and Amatsukami. In response, Amaterasu exiled Tsukuyomi to govern the night, ensuring they would never meet again. Thus, the night remained forever separated from the day.

Curiously, despite being among the three prominent kami, Tsukuyomi remains sparsely documented in the Kojiki and is minimally worshipped in Japan, especially following his banishment to rule the night. Consequently, his narrative weaves a tapestry of oral tales, enveloping him in an enigmatic aura of existence, shrouded in layers of mystery.

Drawing inspiration from the Kojiki, various literatures, mangas, and games, i have reimagine how #Tsukuyomi might have looked and what characteristics he may have possessed during this mythical period.

A #midjourney’s impression of Tsukuyomi in mortal form.

Physical Appearance Characteristics:

  • He possesses a tall and slender build, presenting a neat and refined appearance.
  • His handsome visage is always accompanied by a smile.
  • He assumes the form of a charismatic middle-aged male deity, dressed in regal white-blue attire.
  • His fair complexion emits a luminous glow, yet contrasting with an aura of darkness.
  • Despite his noble bearing, he refrains from carrying weapons. Instead, he employs an illusionary technique through eye contact, manipulating perceptions within seconds.
  • Prolonged isolation in coldness of the night has caused him to lose all his sense of facial expressions, except the ability to smile, making him impossible to read what he is thinking

Inner Characteristics:

  • Tsukuyomi carries pride in his noble heritage, yet avoids arrogance, at least outwardly.
  • Extremely intelligent as he has knowledge of both the kami of the light and creatures of the dark
  • He operates with a schematic but diplomatic mindset, showcasing his observant and composed nature.
  • While generally of quiet demeanor, he exhibits a keen ability to observe and analyze.
  • His Unpredictable personality allows him to utilize illusionary powers for pranks and intricate schemes, affecting the perceptions of both mortals and fellow kami.
  • He could harbor enduring resentment towards Amaterasu and her descendants due to the unjust punishment. Alternatively, he might have gained insight into the importance of balance, learning from his past unnecessary pride and understanding the harmony Amaterasu sought to create between heaven and earth.

Enigmatic Intentions:

#Tsukuyomi no Mikoto’s intentions remain as mysterious as the moon’s phases. His craftiness and knowledge of light and darkness hint at a hidden plan. His appearance reflects his complexity — fair yet dark. His knack for illusions makes his motives harder to read. It’s like he’s playing a cosmic game, and only time will reveal whether he’ll be a disruptor or a harmonizer of the cosmic order.


In this visual journey, we have brought to life the mythical figure of #Tsukuyomi during the Era of the Kami. Drawing from literature, manga, and fan arts, we have reimagined his physical appearance, inner characteristics, and enigmatic intentions.

As we continue on our exploration of other major and lesser-known kami, let your imagination run wild, and join us on this enthralling adventure through the mesmerizing world of Japanese folklore and mythology.

Join me on Twitter and Medium @0x8tails as we continue unveiling the physical appearances and inner characteristics of the ancient deities.
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An adept Japan travel planner & a Yaoyorozu no kami / Yokai folklore otaku, now narrating Touriiverse epics with a touch of folklore and tourism @TouriiJP.