How To Easily Copy-Trade Any Solana Wallet

6 min readApr 11, 2024


Found a juicy wallet who is making all the right trades? Looking to copy-trade that wallet automatically? You have come to the right place, as in this article I will show you how you can copy-trade any Solana wallet easily with Trojan (old UniBot on Solana) Telegram Trading bot.

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copy trading crypto wallets

I am copy-trading a Solana wallet in this article using Trojan, but you can do this with other Telegram trading bots on other chains. I assume you already have your Trojan bot set up, but in case you don’t, you can read my detailed tutorial on how to set it up:

Interested in copy-trading on some other chain than Solana? Some other Telegram trading bots that already have a wallet copy-trading feature include:

Maestrobot Sniper Bot — SOL, BSC, ARB, ETH

UniBot — ETH

SolTradingBot — SOL

Sigma Bot (copy-trading feature coming soon) — ETH, BASE, BSC, ARB, BLAST, AVAX

Copy-trading Solana Wallets With Trojan

Unlike many other Telegram trading bots, Trojan has working copy-trading feature. All you need is a wallet you want to copy-trade and 2 minutes.

copy trade crypto wallet solana trojan

Copy-trade view on Trojan

In order to create a copy trade, navigate to Copy Trade section of Trojan and click the “+” symbol in order to create a new wallet to copy trade. Youwill be shown this view:

copy-trade crypto wallet
Set up a copy-trade on Trojan

Targeting wallet to copy trade

You will set a name for the wallet (i.e. WIF EARLY BUYER) set the traget solana wallet and set gas fees and slippages. The most important setting is “Buy percentage”. You can set a percentage to copy trade OR you can set a specific amount of SOL for each trade.

So your buy setting can be:

50 % → target wallet buys with 10 SOL, bot will buy with 5 SOL

1 → target buys with 10 SOL, bot will buy with 1 SOL

Please note: copy trading like this is not bullet proof. Biggest risk you are running (apart from the wallet you are copying being an idiot) is that when the bot copy buys/sells a token, it can fail due to slippage and for general Solana network slowness. This is not necessarily a problem when buying, but it might be a bigger issue when selling

There you go, now all you need is some wallet that you want to copy-trade and you are good to go! Happy hunting.


More reading from me related to crypto, Telegram trading bots, passive income and much more!

Telegram Bots that work on Solana

Telegram Bots that work on other chains

Other tutorials and articles




Writing reviews and guides on different crypto tools such as Telegram trading bots.