My Goals

Will Power
2 min readJan 18, 2018


It’s a couple of weeks into 2018; and I realised is that I have not published my goals for the forthcoming year.

What about 2017?

  • Run 520km (roughly 5km, twice a week). Habit formed
  • Cycle 1000km+ (roughly 10km, twice a week). Habit formed
  • 10 pushups, twice a week ❌
  • Finish the edx ‘CS50 course’ that I started ❌
  • Finish the edx ‘Learn how to learn course’ that I started ❌
  • Read 5 books ✅

Whilst I didn’t do pushups, I started planking instead. I didn’t complete the edx courses, but I did spend time learn new tech: Firebase, EmberJS, ReactJS, VueJS. I’m not a a master at any, but feel I know enough to understand more than the basics.

Overall I didn’t achieve them all; but happy where I landed. 💪 💪 👊 👊

2018 Goals

  • Take up Yoga
  • Take up martial arts or Krav Maga
  • Learn about meditation
  • Go to my local floatation tank
  • Read at least 5 startup related books
  • Complete the 4 hour work week challenged. Tim Ferriss — you can hold me accountable on this one 👍
  • Execute my startup ideas 🚢 🛳 🚢 🚀 🚀 🍾 🤑 💰 🚢 🛳
  • Write at least 25 blog posts (roughly 1 post every 2 weeks)
  • Establish a savings plan
  • Put my money where my mouth is for cryptocurrency
  • Understand how English grammar and punctionation actually works (I’m a native speaker FFS 😠 😠😧, particularly when to use appropriately: hyphens, semi-colons/these things (;), colons, commas, etc. Edit: Become a better writer. Edit: Become a better communicator

Longer term ambition(s)

  • Learn to swim 🏊 🏊 🏊 🏊 🏊
  • Learn sign language
  • Be able to communicate with others in a language which I am not a native speaker
  • Adopt a pet in need 🐶 🐕
  • Become a guide dog trainer
  • Speak at something for which I have a passion. Read — Not for my day -to-day job; for my side-projects instead.
  • Establish a men’s grooming eCommerce store
  • Own a tailor shop
  • Be a leader 💦 💦

Over & Out

💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 👊 👊 👊 👊 👊

