My resolutions to myself

Will Power
5 min readFeb 3, 2018


I trust that you have read my Goals for 2018 😜. However, there are some other things which I don’t necessarily categorise as goals but wanted to write about; these are things that I want to make a conscious effort to do, or to stop doing. Does that make them a goal? I’m not sure 🤷‍♂ 🤷‍♂

Here it goes and I will probably add to/remove these as things change over time:

  • Stop buying domain names and then never using them. I must have 30-to-40 alone on namecheap that I do not use and probably never will
  • Reduce my dependancy on ‘stimulants’. Nothing major here — I don’t even drink coffee for example, but I do find that I regularly will not do something unless I have a ‘hit’ first. That hit could be anything — internet browsing is the primary offender if I am honest. Maybe a detox is required or maybe I need to lead a simpler life 🤷‍♂
  • Be more purposeful/have a purpose, especially if I am doing something. If there is no purpose, then what is the point of doing it 😕 😕
  • Lead a more minimal lifestyle — there is some stuff in my wardrobe that I don’t really wear or even need. I have gadgets that are gathering dust. There is things in drawers that I cannot even remeber that I have bought. Just too much ‘stuff’
  • Taking time out to ‘smell the roses’ as they say. Aka just chilling out when I can — I don’t have to always be doing something. This one is a bit of a conundrum. My goal is to ship more, not to continue with my kamikaze like approach which inevibatly ends up with me not pursuing/not completing it, and generally ends up with me being frustrated and disillusioned or no longer interested. I have half started so many things but end up running out of energy or get easily disheartned or bored. Less is probably more. When I am learning something, I should focus on something small that work, that I can translate to something bigger rather than starting bigger and then not doing it :makesense:
  • I ‘jump in’ too quickly. If I have the spark of an idea — then it almost immediately takes priority over whatever else that I can doing at the time. I think I need to give my ideas time to permeate and once fully formed, then prioritise accordingly
  • Cancelling subscriptions that I do not use. I have had Netflix for close to 24 months — but the most I have watched is 90% of ‘Making a Murderer’ (about 8/9 episodes in total) Either starting using these, or cut them
  • Declutter. I have a number of apps on my phone and laptop that I just don’t use. I have others because a subset of my contacts/friends use them. I have lots count of the number of emails I have across the web. I’m not hugely prolific on social media. Maybe I need to set myself some baseline thresholds for usage, and purge if I am below said threshold?
  • Challenging more & challeging more often; to understand the ‘why’. Question authority. I work as a Product Manager in the telecommunications industry :yawn: . I won’t lie — the role is ill-defined. I think the best way to describe my role is an influencer who can apply common-sense logic. A lot of stuff I pick up are JFDIs (just fucking do it) that I have to run with. Challenging things to understand the real reasons why we are doing something, or why we cannot do something — will mean that it will ultimately show-up better to customers. This is something that I can also apply to my side gigs :smug:
  • I have a social conscious with a business mind in my day-to-day role. At night when I’m tinkering, I want to solve the problems I or others like me face — but don’t ever really consider the business model or how the idea will be monetised. I’m successful in my day-to-day job but not yet in my side projects. The business mind for my side projects is lacking. Reading levels.ioTurning side projects into profitable startups’ has been the kick that I needed
  • Clarity of thought. Write more, speak more, and form an stronger opinions/views. If I can’t have clarity in my own thoughts; how can I expect to influence anyone to buy, use, and continue to buy, one of my products? Or to take me serious and see my business acumen. I notice that all of the directors who run the company I work in have a clear viewpoint (whether right or wrong 😉) and are taking seriously as a result
  • Being more accountable. I guess writing things down is a start 😛
  • Delegate more. Just because I am accountable does not mean that I am responsible. I can outsource a developer to do something rather than learn myself from stratch. Delegation should also include delegating to automation/robots where necessary
  • Eat less meat. The past year or so has been really good for this and I want it to continue. I have learned how versatile things like lentils can actually be. I guess now that I am becomming more ‘worldly’ and have experienced different cuisines I am becomming more ‘open’. My cooking repertoire and my wallet 💰 💸 have benefited
  • Tell & show how my feelings more in my personal life. I am at the funny age where I don’t yet have anyone truly depending on me 👶 🍼 and I don’t truly depend on anyone either 👴 👵 I grew up in an age when certain things are unspoken. I want to let people know closest to me, that I appreciate what they have done & sacrificed and that I ❤️ them. Similarly in my professional life — praise the person but criticise the task.
  • Be who I am. Whilst I do want to ‘grow’ & optimise myself to an extent — I know who I am & what I stand for 💪 👊

Cool 👍 👍 writing this has actually been very cathartic & I can see some trends 📈 📈

The tl’dr in no particular order

  • Do less, to make the stuff I do ‘do’, more valuable
  • Cut the impulse buying — only when I need something, and have genuine reasons to buy — is when I should buy. Not just because I want it at that point-in-time 👊 Keep a list, and build before I buy
  • Assert myself more & often
  • Apply more critical thinking
  • Be more frugal with my limited resources — time and money. Weigh up the balance of one versus the other

One thing that I notice, is that I am more concerned with money and growing wealth that I had originally thought :notsureifsad: I guess that shows that I am growing up 👦👨

