Gypsies' Life Stylin part3: Nature’s Status Quo

Big Tows322, PhD
6 min readJan 5, 2017

In part 1 of BigTows Mind Blown series "1st Sight Frissions," BigTows mind was blown by the 5th element, status quo love. In Mind Blown’s 2nd installment, “2 Left Feet,” BigTows explored the relationships between snakes and nature. In Mind Blown part3, “Nature’s Status Quo” BigTows dives into the relationships between status quo chaos and innovation.

Read “1st Sight Frissions” for more details on the status quo of love.

Read “2 Left Feet” to understand snakes’ symbolism.

In Christianity, I recently learned there are two Popes, a white Pope and a black Pope. The black Pope represents evidence and experimentation while the white Pope represents the status quo.

It should be no surprise that the Shiva is a beautiful lady. Ladies have the most powerful human minds. See 1st Sight Frissions for more connectome details. ☺

Fun fact: Most of the Koran and Bible are plagarized versions of various other mythological ideologies sans the male lead.

A few days ago, I described the same in language the monk’s bodyguard would understand, evidence based research.

Overlooking the pool table, there are two lady Shivas, one black and one white. The black one displays radical ideas like quantum physics weirdness' double slit experiment, time travel, and a tornado’s convection movements.

See Dr Quantum’s observations

The white Shiva is the traditionalist, the status quo. The white Shiva has four animals protecting her. I related the big picture to Maslow’s hierarchy.

Fun fact: intensive orgasms and frissions

Incorporate the 4 elements of nature i.e. earth (humans), wind and water (blowing and licking), and fire (passion) along our body’s pressure points which will elicit waterfall like orgasms and/or frissions.

Any person able to make a lady have a waterfall orgasm gains total control. However, status quo romantic love usually follows, so be careful! 😘 🏄

At the base of status quo Shiva, there’s a spiderweb to catch all of our basic desires. To the right going up the painting, there is a Tucan bird representing progress from our basic instincts towards helping others. Circling around the arbitrary top of the status quo life tree, we see a preggers snake which represents water and a new hope.

And finally to the left of status quo Buddha, we see the single cellular organism (egg) came first then came the multi-cellular organism (chicken). 🏄😁

In the middle of status quo Shiva, there sits a YinYang symbol on Shiva’s sky blue belly. YinYang is the universal love and peace symbol and why we call Mother Nature thus. 😍 🏄

Snakes are the most revered animals of the Asian animal kingdom. In nature, snakes represent fluid dynamics. Snakes also are the patience gatekeepers. And snakes are the foundation of mixed martial arts. It’s mind blowing once we step back and look at the big pictures. ☺

According to the Asian zodiac, snakes are the 2nd strongest animal. However, a dragon is a sub-genre of snake. Usually, number 2s have as much if not more influence than #1s because #2s are a collector of all applied physics while #1s focus on the big picture.

#2s get in to deep because #2s attempt to make sense of the big picture. #1s do their best to control the outcome of the big picture. I prefer René Descartes paraphrased quote, “I think therefore I Be.” ☺

According to George Lucas' Star Wars, there are always two, a Jedi and an Apprentice aka Sensi-Grasshopper relationship. In the good old days, education was passed from mentor to pupil in much the same way mixed martial arts was taught from Sensi to Grasshopper.

Yesterday, I showed one of my lovers a few language lessons from Memrise, Duolingo, and Busuu. I then asked her to parrot the speakers. I was surprised my lover could only pronounce her language, Vietnamese, haphazardly at best.

For reasons I don’t yet understand, I’ve always been able to parrot most languages not Oxford English. I also believed everyone could do the same. My lover had shit pronunciation for Japanese, Khmai, and not much better for her native tongue.

I believe I think better when my brain is relaxed. To relax one’s brain, we can do it the most challenging way via blood, sweat, and tears or we can take the easy way out and indulge our open minds via synthesized chemical innovations. I tend towards the most efficient direct route, Marilyn Manson, vs the traditionally challenging indirect route i.e. exercise and/or out of comfort zone brain challenges.

In networking technology, there is also direct and indirect routing. Internet traffic will tend towards order. However, if order is disrupted, our internet snakes can find an alternate indirect path that will still enable us to arrive at our final destination i.e. back at us.

When we contact the internet wizards i.e. ask to search, we send a direct request asking Google’s servers to provide us a valid link to its web content. Upon receiving the request, Google returns an "ACK" statement aka a quiz to verify the validity of one’s request then and mostly only then will Google allow us to search.

I say "mostly" because there are individuals that exploit the system much the same as the innovative black Shiva experimented. Engineers strive towards highest efficiencies, not always the smartest, hahaha.

Humans and much of nature tends towards order. However, if order is not a viable option then snakes (water) will flow the indirect route towards chaos. Chaos is nature’s status quo. Outliers, engineers, and innovators are nature’s indirect path towards salvation’s nirvana.

According to the film Vaniella Sky, the sweet doesn’t taste so sweet without the sour. Sustainable life is a melting pot of chaos, status quo norms, as well as fringe sciences. When we realize, we need both the Yin (status quo) and the Yang (outliers) then all of nature is in balance. ☺

Hope never disappoints us!~Rom5:3-5

Musicial tribute: "Something to Believe In" by Poison 😍😍😍🏄

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Big Tows322, PhD

Forever Curious, Gladiators in Boardshorts, United We Walk! 🏄