Hannah McBride at 60dB

2 min readOct 11, 2017


Here’s the place to find all the stories I worked on at 60dB. Most of them I edited from this little table right outside my front door (though not usually wearing 60dB swag).

Not pictured: the long-suffering basil plant on my porch.

My top three favorites are recent pieces, covering everything from police accountability to the apocalypse: in one story, I eavesdropped on dispatchers for Hurricane Harvey rescues. For another, I interviewed a friend about his legal journey for justice and data from the San Jose police department. Also, I tracked down the director of the most terrifying TV movie ever made, a film about the nuclear apocalypse that happens to take place in my hometown.

For tl;dr types, I put a few other favorites here — with explanations of why I chose each of them. The rest (150 stories, give or take) are on the archive pages down below.

A few (more) favorites, in no particular order:

It bears repeating — 4chan is bewildering, dark place that has had more influence on our culture, online and otherwise, than many of us know. If you have an hour to listen, it’s worth going straight through all four parts.

We don’t often hear our nine Supreme Court justices speaking directly from the bench. Using the digital archives of oral arguments and opinions, I like to bring their voices into a story when I can.

The longtime solicitor general has been added to special counsel Bob Mueller’s team. What does this new development in the Russia investigation mean for President Trump? Screenshot via YouTube.

In a year dominated by political news, I had to find voices I trusted to explain the twists and turns of the Trump administration. Adam Serwer, senior editor at the Atlantic, became my go-to for Jeff Sessions-related news.

The attorney general has recused himself from investigating the Trump campaign after testimony about contact with Russian officials landed him in hot water. The Atlantic’s Adam Serwer explains. Photo by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0).

While this one isn’t *technically* my story, I came up with the idea to ask for people to call in and leave a voicemail. I wanted to hear from our listeners — this is one example of what they shared with us.

Voices from around the country tell their own stories about a day without immigrants. Photo by Ted Eytan (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Those are some of the highlights — there are a ton more stories on my other archive pages, starting with the most recent.

Part 1: May to September 2017

Part 2: January to April 2017

Part 3: August to December 2016




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