Create account on OneCompiler

Sign up and use online compiler

Sparisoma Viridi
3 min readJul 21, 2023

Compiler is software that converts a source code, the high-level language, into an object code, the machine-level or binary language (Marsh, 2022). While a compiler, the offline one, must be installed, there is online compiler, which is very easy to use with a web browser and an active internet connection, that you can access it from anywhere without any overhead of management and resource limitation (PinakiBanerjee0, 2020). One of the online compilers is OneCompiler. Steps to sign up, compile and post a code are given here.

Sign up

Go to OneCompiler, which will show you a example of Java code as default.

Click the menu button ≡ on the upper right.

Choose Login at the bottom.

Choose option Login with Google. If you do not have Google account yet, create one and then sign in.

Choose which account you want to use. In this case only one is available.

Now you are logged in. Click My Account.

It shows your profile at, which you can share to colleagues. Notice that number of posted codes is 0.

Post first code

Login using any account of you choice. And click programming language name, e.g. Java.

Link of the page will

Modify the code by adding following line

var N = 5
for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {

and click the button Run.

Now you get the code on the left and the result on the right.

Click the menu button ≡ and then choose My Account.

You now have one posted code. Click CODES tab.

Your recent codes is displayed and the last code is available to share at

