The Ultimate Guide to Finding Advertisers and Publishers for Your Ad Network

7Search PPC
7 min readJun 21, 2023


The Ultimate Guide to Finding Advertisers and Publishers for Your Ad Network

Are you struggling to find advertisers and publishers for your ad network? It can be a daunting task, but fear not! Our ultimate guide is here to help you navigate the world of advertising and publishing. From identifying potential partners to crafting compelling pitches, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to build a successful ad network. So grab your coffee and let’s dive in!

Introduction: What is an Ad Network?

An ad network is a platform that connects advertisers and publishers, allowing them to work together to achieve their marketing goals. Ad networks provide a way for advertisers to reach a large audience of potential customers, and for publishers to generate revenue from their websites or apps.

Ad networks typically work by placing ads on websites or apps that agreement to host them. When a user visits one of these sites or opens an app, the ad network serves an ad from one of its advertisers. The advertiser pays the ad network each time an ad is served, and the publisher receives a portion of this revenue.

Ad networks can be divided into two main types: display ad networks and search engine marketing (SEM) networks. Display ad networks specialize in serving banner ads, while SEM networks focus on delivering ads in response to specific searches. Both types of networks provide valuable opportunities for advertisers and publishers.

Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Ad Network

Any ad network, whether just starting up or already established, needs to have a good foundation in order to be successful. Here are a few things that are essential for laying the groundwork for a successful ad network:

First and foremost, you need to have strong relationships with both advertisers and publishers. Advertisers need to trust that you will be able to deliver on your promises of high-quality traffic, and publishers need to trust that you will pay them promptly and fairly. These relationships need to be built on mutual respect and understanding.

Second, you need to have a well-organized system for tracking conversions and clicks. This data is essential for proving the value of your ad network to both advertisers and publishers. Without it, it will be very difficult to secure long-term business partnerships.

Last but not least, you need to have a clear vision for the future of your ad network. What kind of growth do you want to see? What direction do you want to take your business in? Having a clear roadmap is essential for making sure everyone involved is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Finding Advertisers and Publishers

As an ad network, one of your primary goals is to connect advertisers with publishers who can best reach their target audience. But how do you go about finding the right advertisers and publishers for your network?

There are a few different ways to find potential advertisers and publishers:

1. Use online directories.

The first way to find potential advertisers and publishers is to use online directories. There are a number of online directories that list ad networks, such as and You can also search for directories that list specific types of advertisers or publishers, such as affiliate networks or performance marketing companies.

2. Use Google AdWords.

Another way to find potential advertisers and publishers is to use Google AdWords. You can use the “display planner” tool to get ideas for who might be interested in advertising on your site. Simply enter your website URL into the tool and it will show you a list of potential advertisers based on Google’s data.

3. Use social media.

Social media can also be a great place to find potential advertisers and publishers. Try conducting a search on Twitter or LinkedIn using relevant keywords, such as “ad network” or “performance marketing.” You can also reach out to people you know who work in advertising or publishing and ask if they have any recommendations for good ad networks to partner with.

- Through Traditional Outreach

Finding advertisers and publishers for your ad network can be a tough process, but by utilizing traditional outreach methods, you can increase your chances of success. Traditional outreach methods include cold-calling, networking, and advertising in trade publications.

When cold-calling potential advertisers, be sure to have a clear and concise pitch ready. You’ll also want to do your research ahead of time to make sure you’re targetting the right businesses. Networking is another great way to meet potential advertisers and publishers. Attend industry events and conferences, or join relevant online forums and groups. Advertising in trade publications is another effective way to reach your target audience. Look for publications that cater to businesses in your industry or niche market.

- Paid Advertising Platforms

There are a number of paid advertising platforms available to help you connect with advertisers and publishers for your ad network. Here are some of the most popular options:

Google AdWords: AdWords is Google’s paid advertising platform, which allows you to place ads on and millions of other websites across the web. AdWords is a very effective way to reach potential advertisers and publishers, as it offers a vast array of targeting options and potential placements.

Bing Ads: Bing Ads is Microsoft’s paid advertising platform, which operates similarly to AdWords. It allows you to place ads on and many other websites across the Microsoft network. Bing Ads also offers a variety of targeting options and potential placements.

Facebook Advertising: Facebook’s paid advertising platform allows you to place ads on and millions of other websites across the web that are powered by Facebook’s technology. Facebook Advertising is an effective way to reach potential advertisers and publishers, as it offers a vast array of targeting options and potential placements.

LinkedIn Advertising: LinkedIn’s paid advertising platform works differently than other social media networks, as it allows you to place ads directly in users’ LinkedIn feed. This makes LinkedIn Advertising an effective way to reach professional audiences with your ads. LinkedIn Advertising also offers a variety of targeting options and potential placements.

- Networks That Can Connect You

There are a few different ways to go about finding potential advertisers and publishers for your ad network. Here are a few of the most common methods:

1. Search online job boards: This is a great way to find companies that are actively searching for new advertising partners. Simply search for “ad network” or “ad agency” on job boards like Indeed or Monster and you’ll be sure to find plenty of leads.

2. Leverage your personal and professional networks: Chances are you know someone who either owns or works at an advertising agency or media company. These are obviously great potential partners for your ad network. Be sure to reach out and let them know what you’re working on — they may be interested in getting involved.

3. Attend industry events and trade shows: These types of events are often full of ad agencies and other businesses that could be potential partners for your ad network. Attend as many as you can and make lots of connections!

Optimizing Your Network with AI and Automation

In order to optimize your ad network, you need to take advantage of AI and automation. Here are some tips:

-Use AI to automate the process of identifying potential advertisers and publishers. This will save you time and energy that you would otherwise spend on manually combing through data.

-Leverage AI to automatically match advertisers with publishers that are most likely to be a good fit. This will help you improve your conversion rates and increase revenue.

- Use automation to streamline the process of onboarding new advertisers and publishers. This will reduce the amount of time and effort required on your part, freeing up more time to focus on other areas of your business.

Evaluating Performance

To get started, take a look at your traffic data and analyze where your users are coming from. You can use a tool like Google Analytics to segment your traffic by source (e.g. direct, referrals, organic, etc.), and then further segment by country, device, or any other criteria you deem important. Once you have a good understanding of your traffic sources and characteristics, you can start to identify which ones are most valuable to your ad network.

There are a few key metrics you should focus on when evaluating performance:

1) Conversion rate: This is the percentage of visitors that take the desired action on your site (e.g. sign up for a free trial, make a purchase, etc.). A high conversion rate indicates that your ad network is targeted and relevant to your audience.

2) Revenue per visitor: This metric measures how much revenue each visitor generates for your ad network. A higher revenue per visitor means that your ad network is more valuable to advertisers and therefore more likely to be able to command higher CPMs (cost per thousand impressions).

3) Cost per acquisition (CPA): This measures how much it costs to acquire each new customer or lead through your ad network. A lower CPA means that your ad network is more efficient at generating leads or sales for advertisers.

4) Click-through rate (CTR): This measures the percentage of people who click on an ad from your ad network. A higher


As you can see, there are several strategies for finding advertisers and publishers for your ad network. Taking advantage of the many marketing tactics available to you can help ensure a steady flow of revenue and get your ad network off on the right foot. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for your particular business model and target audience. With a bit of hard work, dedication, and patience, creating a successful ad network is well within reach!



7Search PPC

7Search PPC: Elevate ROI with high-quality traffic for advertisers; empower publishers through top-notch monetization services.