The 888 Inner Artist Initiative — November 2023 Update

888 Inner Circle
4 min readDec 5, 2023


We often speak about the strength of our artist community, but our community is also made up of non-artists, including various token holders, which include Realms holders, Genesis holders, and our elite tier holders, the “Inner 8,” which are holders that hold eight or more Genesis tokens.

Some people may not know this, but the 888 Inner Artist Initiative (IAI) was partly born out of discussions by the Inner 8. There was a pool of funds that could be deployed by Inner 8 vote, and there was a lot of debate about what to do with those funds. One of our largest holders proposed using the funds to support emerging artists, and it was like a light bulb moment for us. This proposal became the foundation for our weekly celebration of art.

To benefit the Inner 8, we pledged to raffle off the art we purchased every week to an Inner 8 member, and we did this every week for over 60 weeks.

That practice changed this month. By an overwhelming majority of 91.49% vote, the Inner 8 selflessly voted to remove the raffle benefit to themselves and instead voted to keep the art we purchase every week in an IAI Vault, in order to make it easier for us to display and showcase the art that we purchase. This not only allows us to build a collection for the project, it helps us keep the spotlight on the amazing artists that contributed their wonderful pieces.

It is a testament to the strength of our community that our Inner 8 members would prioritize creating opportunities for our artists and our community, as a whole, rather than focus on benefiting themselves.

Speaking of community, we also passed another milestone. We now have over 500 Verified Inner Artists in our Server.

As we stated last month, we have been “under construction” in terms of revamping the process for our weekly celebration of art. Now that the dust has settled a bit in terms of all the changes we have been making, it seemed like a good time for us to remind everyone of how our weekly celebration of art works.

Weekly Celebration of Art (Updated Policy): To help keep everyone up to date about the rules, guidelines, and policies surrounding our weekly celebration of art, we have created this separate document, which we plan to keep updated.

Weekly Celebration of Art (Purchased Art)

Here is the art that we purchased in the month of October.

Week 63

Weeping Mother by @OdysseyHeart

Week 64

The Abandoned City by @yeganehYEK

Week 65

Sparrows tree by @Erfan_Samanfar

Week 66

03 — Naomi by @ladan_ashaseh


As a reminder, the 888 Inner Artist Initiative is not just a single program. Rather, it is a comprehensive and ever-increasing set of efforts and endeavors designed to celebrate, empower, and support artists. Our goal is to meet the various needs of various artists, in a wide variety of ways, wherever they may be on their artistic journey.

For more information, please join our Discord server, follow our Twitter, and view our Medium. Also, as a reminder, if you are an artist, we encourage you to apply to become a Verified Inner Artist. No token purchase is necessary, but you will need to join our Server and be verified as a community member (by going to our verify-to-access-server channel) in order to receive the role.

