Prayer Can Help You Make Better Choices For Your Future

William Lehutjo
Writers Guild
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018

There is something about being in a moment of worship that is so calming and fulfilling. When you open your heart and ask God to take control, He will.

Every time we pray we connect with God. That connection no one can come between because it is sealed. At that moment it’s just you and your heavenly Father.

God is more powerful than we can ever anticipate.

Prayer is so much more amazing because it unleashes something in you. It is the time you can just shut out the world and spend time with God. It is the time you connect with a supernatural Being.

It is a time where you can give thanks, bring all your woes to God, ask Him for more blessings, and be vulnerable in His presence.

This allows God to receive you. It allows Him to take control and respond to whatever you brought forward to Him.

Today was just like any other day. I spent my day doing all the things I love and enjoy. Night came and as I was sitting on my bed and thought why not listen to music. I put on headphones and started listening to worship music.

I put on one of my favorite songs, Glorious Engagement by CRC. This song is wonderful in many ways. It talks about the grace of God and His love for us. It talks about how wonderful it feels when God touches us.

As this song went on playing, I asked God if the decision was about to make regarding leadership was right and I got overwhelmed emotionally and came into tears.

Worship music has a great way of bringing you in sync with God. It has a lovely way of calming you and allowing you to be positive and present at the moment.

God knew that this decision was not only going to benefit me but the people I’m leading. I had thought about this decision for a long time and it had been consuming my thoughts day in and day out. Every day when praying I would ask God to bless my decision but never asked if this decision is the right one.

Prayer is power. Prayer will unleash something in you, you never expected. It will move you from a place of pride to a place of vulnerability.

It will overshadow all you think impossible and prove that “all things are possible for he who believes.” Pray more. Pray intentionally and expectant that God hears you and He will answer you in due time.

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William Lehutjo
Writers Guild

Love discovering new things | Hoping to inspire people to change their mindsets to experience extraordinary success