Antonio Antunes
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Data Science

220 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes


239 stories

Entropy For Dummies: How To Do It The Easy Way— A stick figure on the left flips a coin and is asking the following question in its head: “Heads or tails?” Below this bubble is seen the following word highlighted inside a square block: Entropy. Beside this block is a seal that says ‘For Dummies — Approved’ on it.
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Natural Language Processing

1587 stories

how to reduce LLM hallucinations
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Artificial Intelligence

552 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Reinforcement Learning

34 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Machine Learning

380 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Deep Learning

175 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes


135 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Generative AI

81 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

System Design

260 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes


66 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes


91 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Python Stack

177 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Computer Science

4 stories

Breaking the AI Energy Barrier: The Rise of Thermodynamic Computing The potential of thermodynamic computers to transform AI and machine learning by minimizing energy and maximizing efficiency in-situ.
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Code Studio

40 stories

Image contrasting poorly written Python code with clean, maintainable code.
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Full Stack

93 stories

10 Code Mistakes Every Developer Makes (And How to Fix Them!)
The Absolute Best Free Tools for Web Developers in 2024 (Seriously, These Are Game Changers!)
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Functional Programming

4 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

DATA Engineering

207 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes


85 stories

A man stands in front of a projector broadcasting an image of a graph going up. The man says: “And this is the only performance indicator that’s moving up. Unfortunately, it’s my blood pressure.”
Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Project Based Tutorials

138 stories

Antonio Antunes

Antonio Antunes

Software Developer working on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing technologies