APYC Season 1 — Episode 1: SHADOW

4 min readSep 7, 2022


Anyone who just survived an extraterrestrial killing spree is entitled to feel paranoid. Especially if the enemy could morph into the face of someone you’ve shared meals with for years, copying everything, down to the tiniest scar on their forehead.

That’s what flocked more than a hundred apes into a bare field with no place to run. The perfect duplication of the subtlest details of someone they trusted like a brother. Their “brother ape” directed them to an empty land, which was supposed to be “clear of those green damn things.”

But the apes eventually proved they do not have pea-sized brains. They figured it out. Most escaped but some will only be conjured up in stories by the fire at night now.

Presently in the hot, arid desert tread 133 survivor apes. Nobody wanted to lead (yet), so they just mentally agreed to go north after the alien-slash-ape battle in the now bloodied field.

“I kinda had the feeling he wasn’t one of us,” said one.

But everybody was too beaten up and dehydrated to blame themselves or each other for the death of their brothers.

“It’s nobody’s fault!”

“We will never forget!”

Still, even after survival, they cannot shake the feeling that something horrible is before them — that the war is not over!

They all possess a fearful apprehension but cannot put a finger on the reason why. Perhaps the collective paranoia stems from a single question throbbing in each ape’s head:

“What if there are aliens in this group pretending to be one of us?”

They are all entitled to this paranoia. But there’s a worse side to this obsession: the paranoia that someone or something is following them, ready to pounce.

Restlessness. Exhaustion. Anxiety.

Since they left the crimson field, the itch on the back of their necks grew more and more unbearable. They can’t help but look behind their shoulders, expecting to see an enemy. A hundred rounds of scanning later, nobody saw an unfamiliar soul — just the wide, barren desert.

This very land can write a survival story of its own.

Despite the hunger and the thirst, the 133 apes carried on. Eventually, their worn-out, calloused feet led them back to the land of the living. They found themselves in a jungle, rich with food and water.

“Here, we shall never go hungry!”

They quenched their stomach’s desires, all the while still on high alert. Nobody wanted to say anything, but they know one another well enough, and the boiling concern is too strong not to notice. The fear was contagious. And it was valid.

There is something there. Something following in broad daylight, unafraid to be seen but can never be caught. Why is it lingering? Why won’t it leave them alone? The warrior apes are trained to watch their backs and keep their guards up. But one cannot escape what is a part of themselves.

Every ape is connected to a dark being, lurking like a perfect stalker.

Copying their every move.

It’s them but it’s a completely different entity.

Yet, the apes do not know they are fearing their own shadow.

They do not know that in the shelter that is the forest rests 266 warrior apes, bodied and silhouetted.

(To be continued…)


A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released FREE OF CHARGE to the holders of the ‘We All Survived Death’ NFT with Apy trait aka OG Apes.

A snapshot was announced on Twitter and all holders’ wallet addresses are now on file.

Here’s what will happen in this episode:

  1. We will be minting all the 133 Apes from Episode 1: SHADOW at an announced date and time.
  2. Corresponding WASD Ape holders of the APYC Shadow Apes should place a WETH offer at a total of 0 ETH (or the lowest penny price allowed) PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE.

💡 We will only accept offers from the WASD Ape holder within the alloted time. All WETH offers should come from the same Ethereum wallet where the WASD Ape is held.

💡 APYC Shadow Ape holders may then accept other offers or sell on any marketplace of their choice.

💡 Everything is on a first-come, first-served basis. APYC Apes would be claimed within an alloted time (to be announced). Once the APYC Apes leave our deployer account, holders and the general public are free to trade at the given lowest price or higher.


Episode 1’s Shadow Apes are FREE OF CHARGE for WASD Ape holders. You can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.01 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops in the next and all future episodes. Owners of the NFT can always list their APYC Ape higher or at their own price as long as it’s not under 0.01 ETH. Other APYC holders or the general public may purchase these APYC Apes to secure a membership to APYC.


In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape doesn’t claim his FREE NFT until the deadline (to be announced), the NFT will be sold to the public at 0.005 ETH or more. Other APYC holders may purchase these unclaimed APYC Apes. Or WASD Ape holders who missed the claim may just purchase the APYC Ape on the secondary market.

💡 Minting date and time will be announced on Episode 2. Both Episodes 1 and 2 are dropping at the same time.

More information: https://medium.com/@APYClub/welcome-to-apyc-5446b3c9b401

