Welcome to APYC!

6 min readSep 5, 2022



An expansion collection of APE survivors from the ‘We All Survived Death’ project presented in various art styles with community-driven utility and exclusive members-only benefits.

A brotherhood/sisterhood of survivors of the 2022 bear market. A new Ape Club has survived! We are APYC!


The OG Apes from ‘We All Survived Death’ with the Apy trait (Head Top) will be considered as the Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

The APYC Brotherhood/Sisterhood is unlike the usual community we see on Web3. Aside from being an Alpha Group, the APYC brotherhood/sisterhood is inspired by the “buddy system” but it’s more than just for two.

💡 The buddy system is a procedure in which two individuals, the “buddies,” operate together as a single unit so that they are able to monitor and help each other.

In APYC, Big Brother/Big Sister serves as the leader and guides his APYC siblings in Web3 in all capacities when it comes to the Metaverse, blockchain, NFT, and more.

💡 Example: WASD #64 is the Big Brother to all APYC #64 aka “Little Brothers.”

Each WASD Ape gets first dibs on every APYC NFT drop. Next in line are the APYC siblings based on their holding of the APYC episode releases.

As the Big Brother/Big Sister, he/she is a leader of his/her own tribe. He/She owns the OG Ape from WASD and when he/she sells his WASD Ape, he relinquishes his power and responsibilities to the new owner. APYC siblings may opt to upgrade to Big Brother/Big Sister by buying the WASD NFT of the existing Big Brother/Big Sister.


We follow the journey of the 133 Ape Survivors…


Episode 1: SHADOW

Read the Lore: https://medium.com/@APYClub/episode-1-shadow-6655808aaef4

A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released FREE OF CHARGE to the holders of the ‘We All Survived Death’ NFT with Apy trait aka OG Apes. They can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.01 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops. In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape doesn’t claim his FREE NFT until the deadline (to be announced), edit: the APYC Ape will be killed.

💡 Holders can always sell higher at their own price.

Episode 2: CAVE

Read the Lore: https://medium.com/@APYClub/episode-1-shadow-6655808aaef4

A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released at 0.003 ETH. First dibs go to the OG Apes. If the OG Ape doesn’t claim the NFT, the owner of the corresponding Shadow Ape from Episode 1 will get the next dibs. Whoever the owner is can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.005 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops. In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape nor the corresponding Shadow Ape doesn’t claim this NFT until the deadline (to be announced), edit: the APYC Ape will be killed.

💡 Why are these NFTs not free unlike the previous episode? Although most of these NFTs are computer-generated art, we pay people to work on this project (project managers, file organizers, manual metadata editors, smart contract developers, etc.) plus, the utility we’re providing to the members costs money. Royalties will also be set at 5% to finance this project. With the tiny ETH we’re charging, it can still be considered as “almost free” and you just pay gas.

Episode 3: FOREST

Read the Lore: https://medium.com/@APYClub/episode-3-forest-68352169c3b5

A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released at 0.005 ETH. First dibs go to the OG Apes. If the OG Ape doesn’t claim the NFT, the owner of the correponding Shadow Ape from Episode 1 then the corresponding Cave Ape from Episode 2 will get the next dibs. Whoever the owner is can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.01 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops. In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape nor the corresponding Shadow Ape nor Cave Ape doesn’t claim this NFT until the deadline (to be announced), the APYC Ape will be killed.

Episode 4: GROUND

Read the Lore: https://medium.com/@APYClub/episode-4-ground-846ee2dc8130

A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released at 0.005 ETH. First dibs go to the OG Apes. If the OG Ape doesn’t claim the NFT, the owner of the correponding Shadow Ape from Episode 1 then the corresponding Cave Ape from Episode 2 then the corresponding Forest Ape from Episode 3 will get the next dibs. Whoever the owner is can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.01 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops. In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape nor the corresponding Shadow Ape, Cave Ape, nor Forest Ape doesn’t claim this NFT until the deadline (to be announced), the APYC Ape will be killed.

Episode 5: HELL

Read the Lore: https://medium.com/@APYClub/episode-5-hell-d6b3eda93eff

A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released at 0.005 ETH. First dibs go to the OG Apes. If the OG Ape doesn’t claim the NFT, the owner of the correponding Shadow Ape from Episode 1 then the corresponding Cave Ape from Episode 2 then the corresponding Forest Ape from Episode 3 then the corresponding Ground Ape from Episode 4 will get the next dibs. Whoever the owner is can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.01 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops. In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape nor the corresponding Shadow Ape, Cave Ape, Forest Ape, nor Ground Ape doesn’t claim this NFT until the deadline (to be announced), the APYC Ape will be killed.

We end Season One with a total of 665 additional Apes to the OG 133 WASD Apes.



Due to the unique distribution of the APYC Apes, we will be PRIMARILY utilizing the LooksRare platform on each Episode’s pilot drop (mint). OpenSea will only be our second option. Holders may then trade on any marketplace after claiming their NFTs.

A snapshot of the WASD holders will happen at an announced date in time for Episode 1. Before each episode, a new snapshot will happen to get the Ethereum wallet addresses of the APYC Apes holders.

Here’s what will happen in every episode:

  1. We will be minting all the 133 Apes from each Episode.
  2. For Episode 1, the holders based on the snapshot OR the current holder of the WASD Ape will be able to claim the NFT at 0 ETH plus gas.
  3. For Episodes 2 onwards, holders of WASD Apes and the APYC Apes from the previous episodes should place a WETH offer (including gas allowance) on the corresponding APYC Ape. All WETH offers should come from the same Ethereum wallet where the first APYC Apes are held. We will only accept offers from existing APYC holders. APYC holders may then accept other offers or sell on any marketplace of their choice.

⚠️ 9/11 UPDATE: To claim your APYC Apes, dm us your ETH wallet on our Official Twitter only: https://twitter.com/APYClub

💡 If you haven’t followed us yet, follow first. If we haven’t followed you back (we only follow back APYC Apes or WASD Apes with the Apy trait), tag/mention @APYClub on Twitter.

As suggested by Caldie after discussions on WASD x APYC, all APYC can only be claimed by ‘We All Survived Death’ Apy holders and not to be sold directly to the public.

💡 WASD Ape holders may keep or sell their APYC Apes. Only when they sell then their APYC journey begins.

⚠️ APYC Apes from Season 1 stay on the deployer account (and will not be sold) until WASD Ape holders claim them.

  1. Everything is on a first-come, first-served basis with priorities given to: OG WASD Ape ➡️ Episode 1 / Shadow Ape ➡️ Episode 2 / Cave Ape ➡️ Episode 3 / Forest Ape ➡️ Episode 4 / Ground Ape ➡️ Episode 5 / Hell Ape, and so on. Once the APYC Apes leave our deployer account, holders are free to trade at the given lowest price. See above.


Aside from the APYC Brotherhood/Sisterhood and the continuous NFT drops, all APYC members will have the following benefits from our roadmap:

  • Lore (possible book or comic book publication)
  • IRL Products (note: we will survive on this!)
  • Merch — exclusive merch for members only
  • Business Consulting
  • Other members-only benefits


This is just the beginning.

