Our Successful Alpha Testing Phases: AI Client Node and Marketplace

4 min readApr 28, 2022


We cannot contain our excitement about the milestones we have accomplished so far when it comes to developing a successful adoption rate of our incoming platform features.

Towards the end of 2021 and at the beginning of 2022, we conducted several alpha testing phases that revealed the potential for growth of the AIWORK project as a whole. These tests provided us with a better view of the reliability of our Artificial Intelligence (AI) software and marketplace at an early stage. The success we witnessed during the tests came from how we could simulate real-time user behavior and environment, helping to detect serious errors.

We can say that the alpha testing of our AI client node and marketplace gave us the ability to focus on the areas that needed further tweaking when it comes to design and functionality. This is especially important for us since we are tasked with providing a blockchain network that facilitates a marketplace of crowdsourced AI Human Experts to help create, verify and validate AI data sets that make AI smarter.

Our Progress

Listed in brief are some of our project highlights thus far:

  • Mid-2021 we kicked off rigorous marketing to help broaden our digital footprint
  • Alpha testing of our AI client node
  • Alpha testing of our marketplace
  • Continued development of our trademark content safety index, Contentgraph, for better content safety for viewers
  • Strategic partnership with Manga Token
  • Strategic partnership with IVS with a well-laid out and signed MOU in place

AI Client Node Alpha Testing Phase

In November 2021, we successfully finalized the alpha testing phase of our AI client node. During this testing stage, we pushed the limits of machine learning and proved that AI can learn with time showing that enhanced capabilities exist in the artificial intelligence field.

We conducted this test internally in a lab setting for artificial intelligence-oriented projects. Alpha tests are mostly internal since they are the first end-to-end testing of a product to ensure it meets the business requirements and functions correctly. By having internal employees perform the test, you can confirm if the product works or comes close to doing what it is supposed to do.

The images below reveal the progress we made in this alpha testing stage:

We decided to take this test a notch higher by integrating state-of-the-art YOLOV5 (You Only Look Once) into our AI infrastructure. YOLOV5 functions as a multi-faceted object detection mechanism that reframes object detection into one regression problem and works to solve it straight from image pixels to bounding box coordinates and class probabilities.

We can say that most of our success during this alpha test came from the incorporation of YOLOV5 as the software keeps learning on full images and then works its way into optimizing detection performance. With the success already revealing itself in our AI client node, we are optimistic that we will soon be turning artificial intelligence ideas into reality.

Marketplace Alpha Testing Phase

February 2022, marked the month we kicked off our marketplace alpha testing phase and just like the AI client node alpha test, it did not disappoint.

The goal of our marketplace alpha test was to enable early adopters, content owners, and other crypto video enthusiasts to experience the distinctive dynamics that lie within the unification of blockchain technology with AI. With a thorough marketplace alpha test, we detected and fixed bugs within our protocol, paving way for a beta test.

When our marketplace will be ready, users can contribute and procure AI computing power from our network of AI client nodes. This is why the AI client node’s alpha testing had to come first since the marketplace will need it to be fully functional.

Importance of Alpha Testing your Products/Platforms

The success of our alpha testing phases means that we can now start working on developing our ecosystem and blockchain protocol and opening it to third parties such as advertisers, publishers, and content distributors. By developing our unique proof of intelligence (PoI) blockchain protocol, service providers, content owners, advertisers, and distributors can leverage the potential of our platform for enhanced video content creation and publishing.

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