Alt.Estate Arrives To Address the Major Real Estate Investment Problems

3 min readMar 7, 2018


The exciting moment to tell you more about Alt.Estate has come! We are glad to introduce our project and share our plans and goals. Subscribe to our blog, follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep updated!

Alt.Estate offers the protocol and the platform for investors

Let’s start from the basics. What is Alt.Estate? It is the first project with tokenized apartments in three largest real estate markets: the US, Japan and EU which offers the protocol and the platform as a new solution for real estate tokenization.

The protocol consists of smart contracts and legal structure for property ownership, provided in a widget. The platform becomes the marketplace for trading property tokens, where you can quickly buy or sell a mere 1 cm2 of property with as litle as 100 euro all over the world.

Blockchain to revolutionize real estate

Alt.Estate’s aim is to force significant changes into the real estate market by implementing the blockchain technology. Why do we believe in the blockchain? The real estate market is known to be rigid for changes. However, we believe that blockchain and cryptocurrencies integration will solve the problems of investments in the sector.

Here are the major ones:

  • Decentralization eliminates third parties and reduces implementation risks;
  • The latter ensures faster transactions and minimizes the paperwork. Standard registration of the title of deeds with notarized documents could take up to 60 days. Alt.Estate transaction can take less than 10 minutes;
  • That is why costs decrease up to 15 times, the buyers and sellers don’t have to pay intermediaries. A trading fee for Alt.Estate is 2%;
  • Liquidity is reached by providing access to fiat and cryptocurrency investors;
  • Tokenization and property division into fractions means a lower entry ticket and gives an opportunity for medium and small investors to enter the market and create a global portfolio;
  • Transparency increases because distributed web and hashes are recorded to the blockchain and is accessible to everyone on the network.

Tokenization: how it works

Listing, buying and selling properties via Alt.Estate become a simple and well structured procedure. To make the tokenization process clearer, we’ll explain it step-by-step:

  • Property owners list registers on their assets on the platform and/or their own websites for tokenized sale;
  • Property-specific tokens (SQM) are designed specifically for the appraisal. 1 SQM represents a fraction of the property. Of course, SQM has its own smart contract;
  • Then the tokens are sold to the buyers;
  • Property-specific tokens are traded in the secondary market in Alt.Estate platform or any other exchange;
  • Also within the platform circulate ALT tokens — the internal cryptocurrency, in which all the fees within the platform are paid.

What benefits does Alt.Estate bring to investors?

Alt.Estate is going to democratize the real estate market, to make it more accessible crypto traders, owners of cryptocurrency, middle class and crypto whales. It becomes possible to buy and sell tokenized real estate assets in a trusted, fast and smooth manner with instantaneous transactions and low transaction costs. Anyone can can list his property or a part of it on the platform and at the same time anyone can become a buyer. Alt.Estate eliminates the boundaries and open the market to a wider audience.

Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us on Telegram, Facebook, Twitter or Medium.




The blockchain project to tokenize real estate market. Property sellers can buy or sell a mere 1cm2 properties all over the world.