The Most Important Thing For Motivation!

Amanda Johnson
3 min readJan 18, 2018


Recently I’ve published an article describing ways to motivate yourself. One of the most underestimated things about work and motivation is sleep. It is a good night sleep which allows you replenish your energy, feel rested and be ready for work throughout the day. No motivational books or quotes will help you achieve your goals if your body and mind feel exhausted. Sleep is often underestimated. Many people sleep about 3–4 hours a day nowadays.However researchers say that if people want to stay healthy and productive, they should sleep 8 hours. But how do we make ourselves get enough sleep? In this article I describe some things that you should avoid before going to bed.


Some people think that a glass of wine is healthy habit because it helps to keep blood pressure under control. It may be true, because red wine contains resveratrol, that may improve heart health. In 2016, researchers suggested that it could reduce the risk of heart disease. However berries and grapes also contain resveratrol, so it’s more healthy to eat them rather than drinking wine. But don’t forget about toxicity of alcoholic drinks, that’s why it’s not a good idea to drink wine before going to bed if you want to improve the quality of your sleep.


Researchers say that using smart phones, e-readers, tablets and even watching television before going to bed disturbs your sleep. So if you want to be productive, mute all notification and don’t use devices before sleep.


According to studies caffeine stays in our body for almost 10–12 hours and even a small cup of coffee contains at least 80 to 120 milligrams of caffeine. Also caffeine is contained in all kinds of tea. I would recommend you to replace coffee and tea with water. After 3 weeks you would feel more alive and the quality of sleep will improve.


I have a sweet tooth and can eat the whole chocolate bar in one sitting. But I try to eat chocolate in the morning hours. Sugar rush invigorates the body and helps the brain to work more effectively. However our body doesn’t need excessive energy in the evening hours when we’re going to bed. If you feel like eating something sweet, just drink a glass of water.

Lots of water

Yes, I’ve said that you should drink a glass of water instead of chocolate but there is no need to drink a lot before going to sleep- it will result in unnecessary trips to the bathroom which obviously disrupt your sleep.

Air the room

Fresh air is important for good sleep. So while you’re brushing teeth, open the window! And in the morning you will be more productive and motivated. But this rule is better be avoided by people from Alaska or Florida. In the former case your bed would be very cold, in the later case full of lizards.


You shouldn’t eat much before going to bed. For example, meat digests too long. So if you’re hungry, you’d better eat a vegetable salad or a dairy product.

It’s easy to be successful, motivated and healthy, you should just get enough sleep and always avoid the above-mentioned things before going to bed.

How many hours do you sleep? What are your ways to increase the quality of sleep?

