Use This One Thing to Boost Your Productivity up to 100%

Amanda Johnson
Level Up!
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

by Amanda Johnson, Employee Motivation Consultant for — professional technical writing tool

Nowadays, our life is so busy that it’s easy to forget something, even to drink enough water. That’s why people invented checklists, they helped to be productive and achieve desired goals. Some people think that checklists are something useless and they can keep all information in mind. However, we all make mistakes and can forget something. So, don’t underestimate checklists.

In this article, I describe the history of checklists, their benefits and give you a bonus — a collection of great checklists that will change your life.


Checklists are a common thing, but do you know the history? I don’t know whether it’s true or not, please, correct me in comments if I’m wrong. So, in one hospital the death rate was high because doctors forgot to do something, for example, to sterilize wounds. That’s why, one doctor suggested to use checklists in order to reduce the death rate. And it worked! The death rate became lower, so, people realized the benefits of checklists and started to use them in everyday life.

Medieval medicine

As you can see, checklists are a significant invention but they help not only to do things right but make you more proactive.

  • You become more creative because you don’t have to keep information in mind, it’s all written down.
  • Checklists are a time saver. According to the world’s bestselling author on time management, Brian Tracy, every minute of planning saves ten minutes of work.
  • You don’t forget about breaks. Without checklists you work for a long time and when you feel tired, you open social media, start scrolling Facebook newsfeed, and, as a result, you waste much more time than expected. Instead, plan your day and include breaks that will be at least every 90 minutes. Tony Schwartz, the CEO and founder of The Energy Project, proves that people perform much better when they have frequent short breaks.
  • You see your accomplishments that motivate you to continue working.

Checklists have a great number of benefits, that’s why I want to share a collection of great checklists with you. I found them on the Internet and used in my daily routine. You can download them from my Google Drive, links will be under the checklists.

My Bonus

The Daily Checklist
Workout Planner
Weekly Goals
To-do lists
The September Calendar
Weekly Layout
Things to do
Wonderful week

My Own Checklist of Good Habits

Moreover, if you are interested in building good habits, you can use my checklist that I designed by myself. You can download it for free of charge, too.

Good Habits Checklist
Good Habits Checklist

I hope all these checklists help you organize your days and succeed!

Do you use checklists? Do you usually download them or create by yourself?

