How to Overcome Failure

Amanda Johnson
4 min readFeb 9, 2018


Social media such as Instagram or Facebook is full of photos of success. It’s a custom that we don’t share our problems. That’s why we always compare ourselves to successful people and their achievements. For this reason many of us are afraid of failure. But you should remember that all people fail even successful ones. For example, Bill Gates was expelled from Harvard. He started his first business with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data. This early idea also didn’t work. But he didn’t give up. And now he’s famous.

If you fail, you should follow these tips. And you’ll realize that failure leads to success.

1. Take immediate action

First of all relax. Breathe more deeply. Failure isn’t fatal. There is a way out of any problem. Of course it’s difficult to think in a proper way. It’s okay. Take some time to clear your head, to realize what’s happened and what you need to do. Visualise your situation. Just describe it in a written form. This technique will help you think clearly.

Don’t let disappointment and guilt to make you feel bad about yourself. Instead of self-pity take immediate action. Ask yourself:

· What can I do?

· How can I improve the situation?

· How can I achieve it?

Make small steps because it’s difficult to overcome failure. Small progress will help you build your confidence and achieve desired goals.

Don’t waste a chance, take immediate action! Right now! And success will be forthcoming.

2. Focus on solutions

Of course after failure you are focused on the failure itself and mistakes that you’ve made. When everything collapses it’s hard to stay focused. But there’s no time for regrets. Keep in mind your solutions. It’ll help you work hard and stay motivated.

3. Find support

Don’t withdraw into yourself. Stay open to new ideas and seek support from other people. Maybe they haven’t gone through the same situation. Their experience will help and inspire you.

4. Be realistic

It’s not a pleasant thing, but you should realize that only you’re responsible for this situation. There’s no one to blame but yourself. You’ve made wrong decisions and choices that led you to this place. So don’t expect that someone will solve your problems. Moreover it might be that you’ll not improve a situation in one day. So arm yourself with patience.

5. Develop your skills

You should improve your job-demanded skills. But it’s not enough! No one is safe from failure. Upgrade your creative thinking skills and problems solving. It’ll make you an open-minded person and help you to find new opportunities and perspectives.

So it’s easy to accept your failures. In most cases, it depends on your attitude. But how to change the attitude and not be afraid of failure. I have solutions!

How to accept failures?

1. Don’t believe social media

As I said, social media is always about bragging about success. No one wants to share mistakes and problems. Keep it in mind when you surf Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

2. Read more

It can be not just books, but motivational quotes, articles or blogs. Join my Twitter or Facebook. You’ll find inspiring articles, pictures and photos.

3. Become an everyday winner

In order to keep a high level of motivation, win every day. There are so many reasons to celebrate!

Did you wake up on time and make your bed before you left for work? Win!

Did you do some morning exercises? Win!

Did you save money and stay under budget this week? Win!

Celebrate your everyday wins!

Want to learn more? Read my article “An everyday winner” and you’ll be motivated every day!

What are your ways to overcome failure?

