Beyond the Blues: 11 Positive Actions for When You’re Feeling Fed Up

Amir Hossain
5 min readNov 23, 2023


Ever had one of those days when even your morning coffee seems to be rolling its eyes at you? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Feeling fed up is like that uninvited guest who won’t leave the party. But fear not!

Photo by Sean Boyd on Unsplash

We’ve got your back with a playbook to kick those blues to the curb and bring in the sunshine. So, buckle up for a ride on the positivity train because we’re about to explore eleven fantastic ways to turn your frown upside down.

1. Learn Something New

By learning something new, challenge your mind and distract it from the fed-up funk. Whether picking up a musical instrument, trying a new language, or diving into a DIY project, acquiring new skills can be invigorating. The sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering something novel is an excellent antidote to those blah feelings.

2. Embrace the Art of Pillow Screaming

Okay, before you raise an eyebrow, hear me out. There’s something incredibly therapeutic about screaming into a pillow. It’s like a mini exorcism for your frustrations. Find a quiet spot, grab your fluffiest pillow, and unleash the beast.

Scream away all those pent-up feelings of fed-upness. Ensure your neighbors are cool with it — we aim for stress relief, not a visit from the concerned citizens’ committee.

“When you feel fed up, remember that every storm runs out of rain, every night turns into day, and every setback is a setup for a comeback.”

3. DIY Spa Day: Because You Deserve It

When life hands you lemons, turn them into a spa day. Treat yourself to a bit of pampering; you’ve earned it. Draw a relaxing bath, light some scented candles, and let the soothing aroma wash over you.

Face masks, hair treatments, the whole nine yards — transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of self-love. It’s incredible how a little TLC can work wonders on your mood.

4. Play the Gratitude Game

It sounds cheesy, but practicing gratitude is a secret weapon against fed-up feelings. Take a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. Find the silver linings, whether it’s your supportive friends, that delicious cup of coffee, or the fact that you successfully parallel parked today.

Gratitude has a sneaky way of shifting your focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going right.

Related: What to Do When Life Feels Pointless and How to Find Meaning?

5. Hug a Tree (Metaphorically or Literally)

Nature has this incredible ability to ground us and remind us of the bigger picture. Stroll in the park, breathe fresh air, and hug a tree if you feel adventurous. Wait to knock it until you’ve tried it; it’s like a natural recharge for your soul.

If you’re a city dweller and hugging trees isn’t on your agenda, a potted plant or a bouquet works, too. The point is to reconnect with the world outside your fed-up bubble.

6. Indulge in Comfort Food (Without the Guilt)

Sometimes, the path to happiness involves a detour through your kitchen. Whip up your favorite comfort food — mac and cheese, chocolate chip cookies, or a hearty bowl of soup.

Cooking and savoring a delicious meal can be a therapeutic experience. Be sure not to overindulge; we aim for a happy stomach, not a food coma.

7. Channel Your Inner Picasso

You don’t need to be the next Picasso to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of art. Grab some crayons, paint, or a sketchpad, and let your creative juices flow. Expressing yourself through art is a fantastic way to release those pent-up emotions.

Plus, you might discover a hidden talent — or at least create something to make you smile. Remember, it’s not about the result but the joy of creating.

8. Tech Detox: Unplug and Unwind

In our hyper-connected world, sometimes the best remedy for feeling fed up is an excellent old-fashioned tech detox. Put down the smartphone, step away from the computer, and savor screen-free time.

Whether reading a book, walking, or simply daydreaming, disconnecting from the digital noise can do wonders for your mental well-being.

“Feeling fed up is a sign that your soul is calling for change. Embrace the discomfort, for within it lies the seeds of growth and renewal.”

9. Adopt a Furry Therapist

Pets are like the unsung heroes of mood improvement. Their unconditional love and boundless enthusiasm are infectious. If you have a pet, spend some quality time with them.

If you don’t, consider volunteering at a local animal shelter. The joy and comfort furry friends bring into our lives are unparalleled. Plus, who can resist the sheer delight of a wagging tail or a purring cat?

10. Random Acts of Kindness

Nothing lifts the spirits quite like spreading a little kindness. Engage in random acts of kindness, whether buying a coffee for the person in line behind you, leaving an uplifting note for a colleague, or simply smiling at strangers.

The ripple effect of kindness not only brightens someone else’s day but also creates a positive feedback loop that can significantly improve your mood.

11. Write It Out: Journal Your Thoughts

Grab a notebook and let your thoughts spill onto the pages. Journaling is a powerful way to unload the weight of fed-up feelings. Write about your day, frustrations, dreams — anything that comes to mind.

It’s like conversing with yourself, and you might be surprised by the emerging insights. Plus, the act of putting pen to paper can be surprisingly cathartic.

Wrap Up

Feeling fed up in the grand symphony of life is just one dissonant note. But armed with these 11 positive actions, you have the power to orchestrate a beautiful melody of joy and resilience.

So, the next time you find yourself drowning in the sea of “blah,” pick a few items from this playbook and let the positivity flow. Remember, life’s too short to stay fed up for long — it’s time to turn up the volume on happiness!

Disclaimer: Some of the part of this post includes content written by AI.



Amir Hossain

I blog on everything and anything— hoping my blogs will make your days a bit happier!