Angelo Palacios Colorado 🕯️
4 min readJan 17, 2024
True history

Back in the day, Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition


believe 💯🔗in yourself

Believe me

Thrust me

But remember nothing is easy

Listen to me very carefully

Follow your purpose

No matter what happens

In Your life

No matter what people say about You et cetera

Follow your hart

The life is very hard

But remember this

Never ever give up

Smile all the time

Hard work on yourself

Don’t be afrait

To think outside of the box

Be bold my dear friend

Be yourself

Be unique

Be different

You can do it

You are especial

Think about it

Credit by LES BROWN
Let me introduce myself

My beautiful name is
Angelo Palacios
From Cali Colombia
I learning inglésh myself

When the going gets tough,

Only the tough stay on the road


Photo by author

Sometimes when we look

At the mirror

Find the best version of yourself

Your eyes are the windows

To the soul

The answer is in your

Inner being


You can do it this

Photo by Hayffield L on Unsplash

You are not alone

My dear friend

Open your mind

Change your mindset

Run away from habits that

Don’t Apporting value to life

If your friends

Don’t understand your change

Please stop of visit to them

Take responsibility

About your life

It’s very simple

How that

But remember

I never say that was easy

Sometimes is very hard

I know is painful

But is necessary

Photo by Natalie Kinnear on Unsplash

Read very carefully

At some point,

He got so broke

That he stole

His wife’s jewelry

And sold it sometimes

This happens when

Our don’t Have the control

About our own mind


Of course


But remember always

You can change your mindset

That’s happen stallone

Believe that his style of life

Can change for better

Things got so bad

That he even ended up homeless But never

It’s too late for a new Mentality

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash


We when believe that lose the control forever

And stallone is a big

Example that we can change Bad habits

He change your life

Yes, he slept at the

New York bus Station for 3 days

Unable to pay rent or afford Food that’s

Show us that search Opportunities is the best Election for we

Stallone his history real life

Today for today

Inspired many life’s on this Beautiful world

The choice is yours

There is no progress without Struggle

Photo by Gaman Alice on Unsplash

Who are this guy

Method R.R.A.R

Over over and over again
Práctice practice

And more practice
Make the perfect

Think about it

I am boy les Brown

Follow his legacy

Leslie Calvin Brown

Born February 17, 1945
Is an American

Politician and motivational Speaker

He was a member of the

Ohio House of

From 1977 to 1981. [1]

My beautiful goals is

3 millions of people Inspired
On the World

My porpuse is impact
Your life

I continue to touch lives

Around the World

If you want success

You’re competing

Against thousands

Of women’s and men’s

Who are Apporting

Value to we

Like professionals do

Congratulations my dear friend

The choice is yours

They are building their legacy

For the next generation

In this

Beautiful World

Think about it

Put god firts

Who are this guy
I am boy les Brown

Bye for now

Credit by LES BROWN
Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash


Let me know
And remember
Strong mind never give up

Open the link 👇👀❤️☄️👇